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Developer for Process Power Manager (PPM)



Developer for Process Power Manager (PPM)
At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions. Write the next chapter of your ABB story.
Your role and responsibilities
Are you curious and have a strong drive to create new and innovative software products, and achieving outstanding customer experiences? ABB is the global market leader in Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and delivers solutions for ABB’s world leading 800xA control systems. The Process Power Manager (PPM) product team under the R&D Lab Oslo has the global responsibility for developing and maintaining the product. The product consists of SW building blocks, which are used for generator control, and for process and safety systems addressing a variety of industry segments. We have reference projects all over the world. PPM is a cornerstone for electrical systems sales, including Renewable Energies and Electrification. The Process Power Manager (PPM) product team is now looking for two new developers that will be contributors in the further development of the product. As a developer, you will be part of the Process Power Manager product team, and you will contribute in development and evaluation related to various functions. All products that are developed are linked to control systems for energy supply to industrial facilities. PPM is tested using ABB's powerful simulation tool, Process Power Simulator (PPSim), a central resource to understand how different types of power sources and consumers interact in an PPM application. The development team collaborates with and supports the technical product manager in discussions and investigations of various issues, as well as verifying and evaluating prototypes. The position reports to Team Manager for Automation Libraries and will collaborate closely with the Product Manager for PPM. We are looking for those of you who have a great interest in technological development and are driven by continuous improvement. You will work closely within the developer team, and it is therefore important that you enjoy a high degree of interaction and communication with others. We believe you are a curious and engaging person who thrives on challenges and new ideas and concepts. You have experience working with power management and an understanding of various tools and processes. If you have experience with renewable energy as a power source, this will be an advantage, but it is not a requirement. Our PPM team members are self-driven learners with a wide technical interest in development technology. They are specialists covering various fields, and we are dependent on good social competency and the ability to work together. Since you will be working in an international organization, it is required that you speak and write English fluently and you also understand and speak Norwegian or have the dedication to learn.

Qualifications for the role

  • Education, preferably a M.Sc. / B.Sc. degree, within power systems, power control, energy/renewables, control engineering or cybernetics, or similar.
  • Experience with generators and generator controls. Also, experience with, or at least understanding of and interest in renewable power sources would be an advantage.
  • Experience with product development, including specifications, programming, and testing.
  • Experience with complex technical issues, ability to communicate these to different recipients, and make decisions with the team.
  • Some experience with Azure DevOps, and ABB’s System 800xA, control systems, PLC, Scada systems and/or IEC 61131-3. This is seen as an advantage, but it is not a requirement.

More about us
We work in an international environment and face a lot of interesting technological opportunities. We use up to date technology stacks and work processes to develop solid solutions targeting our customers’ needs. We strongly support and encourage creativity, initiative, and proactivity. The PPM team has a good working environment and generous headroom; we have colleagues from different backgrounds, and in our team, everyone can safely be themselves. You will get good development opportunities with us where you will participate in relevant courses and seminars throughout the year adapted to your and the organization's needs. Our office is based in modern facilities at Fornebu, Oslo, where we work with other related ABB units that deliver products and systems for our customers worldwide. ABB has a lot to offer with the world as your workplace and strongly support your individual ambitions for growth and success. Besides a high focus on flexible solutions for combining work life and private life, ABB also offer possibility for some home office, retirement scheme, insurances, and various welfare programs. For any questions regarding the position please contact: Roger Karlsson Team Lead 91100940 [email protected] Stein Trøstheim PPM Product Manager 90087529 [email protected] Please apply latest by the 13.10.2024. The evaluation process and interviews will start immediately and will run continuously. We look forward to your application via our job portal where you present yourself and your ambitions, your CV, and other attachments such as transcripts, letter of recommendations etc. If you want to discover more about ABB, take another look at our website ABB is a supplier of critical infrastructure. Personnel safety is therefore important to ABB and our customers. In collaboration with Meditor, ABB in Norway conducts background checks on candidates who receive offers of employment. This is to ensure compliance with ABB’s guidelines for recruitment and personnel safety, as well as compliance with legal requirements related to trade sanctions. Candidates will be asked to provide relevant information. We value people from different backgrounds. Apply today for your next career step within ABB and visit to learn about the impact of our solutions across the globe. #MyABBStory

Fornebu, Norway

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Meterbuen 33, 2740 Skovlunde

ABB er en førende global teknologivirksomhed, der styrker omstillingen af samfundet og industrien for at opnå en mere produktiv og bæredygtig fremtid. Ved at forbinde software med porteføljen af elektrificeringsprodukter, robotter, automation, motorer og frekvens-omformere, løfter ABB de teknologiske grænser op til nye højder.

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