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Senior Software Engineer


Permanent employee, Full-time · Copenhagen
We are looking for an experienced Senior Software Engineer to join our development teams in Agillic. Our platform is written in Java and TypeScript in a Spring Boot / React framework, and uses Redis, Cassandra, and PostgreSQL. There are two agile scrum teams in R&D.

As a Senior Software Engineer you will analyse, design, and code software solutions. Influence the direction of the product and technology choices, teach other developers and learn new techniques.


  • the right qualifications and skills to produce well-structured maintainable and effective code
  • excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, and enjoy tackling difficult problems together with other smart people.
  • minimum of 5 years experience in software product development.
  • a Master degree or equivalent education or experience.
  • and can communicate effectively in English, in written and spoken form.


  • English/Danish speaking working environment
  • A great and inspiring place to work
  • Smart and friendly colleagues
  • Competitive salary and pension scheme
  • Excellent support for work-life balance
  • 5 extra days of vacation per year and other employee benefits

You will work with our developers and stakeholders at our nice office in Østerbro, Copenhagen, situated near Poul Henningsens Plads metro station. It is possible to work from home 1-2 days per week, when you no longer need frequent input from colleagues.

Apply for this job About us
Agillic is a Danish software company headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with sales units in Germany and Norway, and a development unit in Romania, Cluj-Napoca.

The Agillic omnichannel marketing automation platform empowers brands to work with data-driven insights and content to create, automate and send personalised communication to millions.

Designed for an ecosystem of strategic partnerships across CDP, CMS, CRM, Customer Service, eCommerce, Business Intelligence, etc., the platform continuously integrates best-of-breed technologies to accelerate the implementation process and deliver fast time to value.

Our purpose is to help companies build and reinforce sustainable relationships based on unique customer experiences. We use the power of data, content, and our platform’s personalisation capabilities to eliminate communication pollution and thereby optimise the experience for the individual.

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Masnedøgade 22, 2100 København Ø

The Agillic omnichannel marketing automation platform empowers brands to work with data-driven insights to create, automate, and send personalised communication to millions.

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