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Risk Manager


Are you looking for a place to grow and put your expertise into play?
You are a Risk Manager with at least 3 years of experience working with medical devices. You feel energized by working with others and find it natural to take on responsibility of tasks and projects.

Don’t be careful what you wish for
Because we are confident that we can realize your dreams. At Technolution, you will be part of a team of ten Design Control and Risk Management Specialists. We work as an interdisciplinary team and our weekly team-meeting, where we share knowledge, join forces in solving problems and pick each other’s brains is cherished. We work with different clients and different products, some days from the office in Hørsholm, some days onsite at the client’s and some days remote. Being a consultant at Technolution is not being a lone wolf: You will always be part of a team. You will often collaborate with your Technolution colleagues from Usability Engineering, QA, Design Control, Labeling Specialists and Mechanical Engineering, and should you be curious about developing your skills within one of the above disciplines, we’ll encourage and support you.

We have a few wishes too
You have extensive hands-on experience with the ISO 14971 standard, ISO 13485, 21 CFR Part 820, CE-Marking, and FDA 510(k) and contributing with input to submissions. You take a holistic view of the development process, and you thrive working with highly qualified teams on diverse projects with start-ups to industry leaders. You find it natural to build good relations with clients and colleagues, because you have probably already experienced that this approach creates the best results.

If you're ready to contribute your experience with Risk Management to exciting projects, don't hesitate applying. We are ready to take you onboard and build the next chapter in your professional career!

Department: Design Control

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Lyngsø Alle 3B, 2970 Hørsholm

With strong competencies in R&D combined with regulatory, quality- and project management we solve complex and challenging tasks within Pharma and MedTech.

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