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Transition Manager for “Future S-network”


Are you a Transition Manager with solid experience from complex programs and are you experienced in defining and implementing business changes, delivering benefits, and ensuring business continuity during a long transition period?

The preparations for one of Denmark's most exciting programs are starting now, and you will have a crucial role in preparing and facilitating strategic decisions.

The “Future S-network” in Greater Copenhagen Area
The train is the future, but the future is not waiting for the train. Therefore, DSB is investing to ensure an environmentally friendly and attractive alternative to cars, buses, and aircraft. The “Future S-network” in the greater Copenhagen area must promote growth and mobility in the metropolitan area and continue to contribute to a climate-friendly urban environment.

Over the coming years, the S-network will be transformed from a traditional urban railway into the largest fully automated driverless transport system in the world. It is a major change to our 90-year-old railway, and it must all succeed without affecting the 375,000 times a day our customers choose to take an S-train.

About the job
As our new Transition Manager, you will have a great responsibility and an important role in establishing a new automated S-network and in ensuring the transition.

You will, in collaboration with the ‘Program and Business As Usual’, be responsible for organizing and implementing the transition from the current conventional train system to the largest fully automated driverless transport system, and therefore preparing affected business areas for the transition to the new way of working and implementing new business processes.

This project has a long transition period and will affect the organization throughout the transition, and you will be involved creating the new business structures, processes, and work practices, where networking and collaborating internally within the program are essential - as is the collaboration with the key stakeholders to ensure progress and continuous processes.

In the program “Future S-network” you will be responsible for establishing the change management organization. It is a dynamic work environment within a matrix organization while ensuring the transition is planned and executed according to schedule, budget, and scope.

Your first task is to prepare a separation of selected areas of responsibility from Banedanmark and to prepare a transition plan for the merger within DSB's organization.

Your tasks

  • Establish the change management strategy and organization.
  • Defining and controlling the portfolio of organizational change projects.
  • Establish new processes and changes and being able to shape and guide the organization towards this.
  • Stakeholder engagement with ‘Business as Usual’, to ensure business continuity during the transition.
  • Organizational readiness analysis.
  • Making sure the organization and the employees are having the defined capabilities at the right time.

The program “Future S-network" is program staffed partly by internal DSB resources and partly by consultants. The way of working is informal in close collaboration with talented and committed colleagues.

Who are you?
As a person, you are motivated and passionate about your profession. At the same time, you enjoy change and a variety of different work tasks, and you work well with different professions and disciplines. In addition, you are good at communicating and have superior leadership skills, you have solid experience from a similar position and know the ins and outs of transition management.

You recognize yourself in the following:

  • Complex programs and in developing and establishing a program and project governance.
  • Great insight into the organizational implementation and change management in large organizations.
  • A successful proven track record with large scale organizational change initiatives.
  • Building and maintaining a strong relationship with Business as Usual and other team members.
  • Knowledge of transition management methodology, tools, and templates i.e., establishment of blueprints, capabilities, transition plans, and benefits management.
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills with a strong ability to develop relationships and to use formal and informal networks within a large organization.
  • Ability to analyze and translate complex material into compelling presentations and presentations for policymakers and key stakeholders.

You are a team player and understand the importance of the interaction between the many stakeholders in a large and complex program.

What DSB offers

  • A workplace in Høje Taastrup, close to public transportation.
  • The possibility of working from home up to two days a week.
  • Free transportation with DSB.
  • On-site fitness centre and membership to PureGym.
  • Pension plan and health insurance.
  • Healthy and delicious lunch arrangement with an option to buy takeaway dinner.

Apply now

  • We conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so kindly apply at your earliest convenience and no later than July 30 in English or Danish, through our portal.
  • For questions, please contact Program Director Jesper Andersen at +45 24 68 45 97.



Department: Telegade 2, Taastrup

Location: Telegade 2, 2630 Taastrup

Application deadline: 30 Jul 2024

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Application deadline 30 July 2024
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Telegade 2, 2630 Tåstrup

DSB løfter en vital samfundsmæssig opgave sammen med mere end 500.000 daglige kunder. Som Danmarks største udbyder af offentlig transport spiller vi en vigtig rolle i at gøre Danmark til et bæredygtigt samfund. Det er DSB’s ambition, at bæredygtige, kollektive rejseformer skal være danskernes naturlige valg til fordel for både miljø og trafikal trængsel.

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