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Senior Software Engineer

DIS/CREADIS - Dansk IngeniørService A/S

At DIS, we are currently looking to expand our capabilities and grow our digital solutions team. We are seeking experienced Software Developers to create innovative back-end, front-end and data oriented solutions in collaboration with our diverse range of customers.

At DIS, we are currently looking to expand our capabilities and grow our digital solutions team. We are seeking experienced Software Developers to create innovative back-end, front-end and data oriented solutions in collaboration with our diverse range of customers.
High quality software solutions
Are you motivated by the opportunity to apply your skills across a variety of sectors? At DIS, you will produce high-quality software solutions, collaborating with customers to scope requirements, produce deliverables, including software implementation and documentation, and ensure project goals are achieved efficiently.

Embrace Project Diversity
Our digital solutions team handles projects of varying complexity and technology across multiple sectors. When you start at DIS, you will be assigned to a project based on your skills and interests.

Upcoming projects include:

  • Back- and front-end development for highly regulated sectors
  • Solution for global data collection, processing, and dashboard development for the energy sector
  • Implementation of protocol support in order to integrate of fleet of acquired devices, in the energy sector
  • Solutions to optimize energy use through data analysis from production sites
  • Consultancy tasks developing solutions in collaboration with customer teams

You work project-oriented with technical solutions and development
We seek candidates who are project-oriented and adept at developing technical solutions. The ideal candidate holds a relevant bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer engineering or related fields and possesses several years of industry experience.

Key skills include:

  • Experience in agile team environments
  • Proficiency in languages such as C#, Python, Java or JavaScript
  • Experience with SQL/NoSQL databases
  • Competence in validating software deliverables through code reviews or automated testing
  • Ability to collaborate with technical and non-technical stakeholders on requirements

Personal and professional attributes
As a consulting company, we value individuals who thrive in dynamic, customer-oriented environments.

Essential qualities include:

  • Outgoing and empathetic nature
  • Strong collaboration and communication skills in both Danish and English
  • Proactive, independent work ethic with strong organizational skills
  • Passion for your profession, staying updated with industry developments
  • Commitment to high quality and professionalism
  • Willingness to share knowledge within the DIS community and participate in social events with colleagues

Join Our Community
At DIS, professionalism, development, and unity are key. You’ll be part of our “buddy program,” ensuring you feel at home and integrated into our community from day one. We prioritize employee development and strive to make DIS an exciting workplace, where we are committed to creating a unique and enjoyable work environment where challenging projects are the norm.

To apply, please send your application, CV, and diplomas through our online recruitment system. We value motivated applications that detail how you can contribute to DIS’s continued growth and development. Applications will be processed, and interviews conducted on an ongoing basis.

Lars Leegaard Knudsen
Engineering Manager, EDS

+45 23 89 75 54

[email protected]

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DIS/CREADIS - Dansk IngeniørService A/S

Ørstedsvej 10, Stilling, 8660 Skanderborg

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