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Cyber Security Engineer Engineering · Multiple locations · Hybrid Remote

Resurs Bank

Engineering · Multiple locations · Hybrid Remote

Cyber Security Engineer
Want to help us transfer into the future of banking?
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Resurs is the bank that knows how it feel. We are currently on a transformation journey to become a more competitive bank by offering our partners and customers better products and services.
Now, we are looking for a Cyber Security Engineer who knows that feeling - of successfully working with security and spreading the word that security is more important than a cup of coffee (and we all know how important coffee is!).

Get an idea of the role
Resurs Bank is undergoing a huge transformation; exchanging our core banking system, moving to the Cloud, and reorganizing our IT department to enable secure innovation from the bottom up.

As a Cyber Security Engineer you will have the opportunity to create and shape how we, in general, work with security on the Infrastructure level. You will be responsible for envisioning how we can adopt, and implement, a security-from-the-start mindset, how that vision can be automated in our CI/CD pipeline, and work closely with our Security Governance team in educating our personnel on everything security. Not only that, you will be rolling up them sleeves, engaging the finger-joints and mind, and practically implement what it takes to get there too. In other words, you will be the Sec in transforming our DevOps practices to DevSecOps.

As a natural security extension, you will also be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate logging/monitoring guidelines and systems are in place. You will work with anchoring the idea of monitoring across the company, and teaching the teams how it can be done to ensure compliance. Ultimately, you will take a step back, look at the broader picture and shape and define how we subsequently will work with logs, traces and metrics (perhaps known to you as observability).

Location: Helsingborg, Malmö or Stockholm

On a personal level

  • View yourself as a senior engineer with high interest and practical experience regarding security
  • Have worked as a developer, preferably Cloud, and ,in Monitoring in a Cloud environment
  • Are proactive, not reactive
  • Are an independent and self-driven individual with the ability to lead and collaborate across teams. In other words; a person who likes to be the key player when it comes to monitoring
  • Have solid experience with Prometheus, Grafana or similar
  • It is desirable, but not required if you have experience working in regulated industries, and understand that sometimes you need to give things a little more time for them to implement

(If you also have experience with AWS, GDPR or CloudWatch it’s a plus!)

We are an online bank with offices across the Nordics. Most of the IT organization is located in our offices in Helsingborg and Malmö. Working remotely is normal for us but it is advantageous if you are reasonably close to a Resurs office as you sometimes might need to be on-site physically. We are looking forward to your application!

Important information
On final candidates, we carry out a detailed background check via an external company

More than a job
The Resurs spirit is about transformation, our culture and the people in our society. It’s about how we define ourselves, how we greet the world and handle our business. We are here to make a difference in people’s lives and to help them to make things happen.
Join us on our journey and work in an environment where we are open for working on a distance, pro work-life balance and where you create your own possibilities. We are here to make things happen; do you want to join?

Apply today!
Don’t wait to send in your application, selection and interviews take place on an ongoing basis and the position may therefore be filled before the last advertising date. We look forward to hearing from you!


IT Security Officer

Malmö, Helsingborg, Stockholm

Remote status
Hybrid Remote

Employment type

Last day to reply
31 August, 2024

Start date

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Application deadline: as soon as possible
Some remote working
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Resurs Bank

Delta Park 46, 2665 Vallensbæk Strand

Resurskoncernen er repræsenteret i hele Norden og består af datterselskabet Resurs Bank. Vi hjælper med at skabe balance i menneskers hverdagsøkonomi. På dette grundlag udvikler vi tilbud og tjenester inden for lån, opsparing og betalingsløsninger til butik og e-handel. Vi tager udgangspunkt i menneskers liv og hverdag, og skaber værdi på lang sigt for vores kunder.

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