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Lead Performance Analyst


Employer: Ørsted North America Inc.

Job Title: Lead Performance Analyst

Salary: $144,040 - $155,000 per year

Location: 399 Boylston Street, 12th Floor, Boston, MA 02116


  • Identify and develop tools used to analyze the performance of operating assets (onshore wind, solar, battery storage, etc.) in the Americas region through effective data management.
  • Conduct data analysis, including visualizations, data blending, and data validations.
  • Design and implement indices, key metrics, and data models to identify opportunities for performance improvement.
  • Perform and review complex statistical analyses, modeling, and testing to deliver meaningful output to relevant stakeholders.
  • Analyze statistical and machine learning models to highlight and address potential shortcomings, ensuring energy and revenue gains are accurate.
  • Detect and analyze anomalies in generator temperatures, nacelle anemometer wind speed readings, lost production, bat curtailments, and manufacture reported downtime.
  • Validate the performance of retrofits from both a technical and financial standpoint to provide clear visibility on the viability of investment.
  • May telecommute from anywhere in the United States.
  • Requires up to 10% domestic and international travel.


  • Master’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in engineering, computer science, mathematics, statistics, or related technical field; plus 3 years of experience in job offered or asset operations analysis in renewable energy industry.
  • Bachelor’s degree and 5 years of relevant experience accepted in the alternative.
  • Knowledge of Power BI, SQL, Python, R, DAX, Databricks, Power BI Paginated Report Builder, and DevOps.
  • Experience in U.S. electricity markets, wind farm operations, production-based availability, performance loss calculations, and high frequency timeseries data.


About the job
Application deadline:
Boston, US

Field of work:
Employment type:

Work hours:

Hybrid (office and home-working)

Imagine a future with Ørsted

About Ørsted
- We develop, construct, and operate offshore and onshore wind farms, solar energy farms, storage facilities, and bioenergy plants in Europe, Asia, and North America.

- Our vision is to create a world that runs entirely on green energy.

- We’ve been ranked as one of the world’s most sustainable energy companies for the past six years.

- We’re headquartered in Denmark.

- We have over 8,600 employees, working in 15 countries and growing.

An inclusive team
Ørsted wants all employees to have the same opportunities for impact and growth, regardless of age, nationality, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or beliefs. We’re committed to secure an inclusive work environment characterised by a respect for all people so everyone feels free to openly share their input and ideas.

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Kraftværksvej 53, 7000 Fredericia

Ørsteds vision er at skabe en verden, der udelukkende kører på grøn energi. Ørsted udvikler, opfører og driver landvindmølleparker, havvindmølleparker, bioenergianlæg og innovative løsninger, som omdanner affald til energi, og forsyner sine kunder med intelligente energiprodukter. Ørsted har 6200 medarbejdere og har hovedsæde i Danmark.

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