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Zoologisk Have - København ZOO

Zoologisk Have
Unsolicited application

If we do not currently have vacancies that match your profile, you are more than welcome to send us an unsolicited application and your CV.

This also applies to applications for foreign internships or exchange students.

If a job opportunity arises, matching your profile, we will reach out to you.

Please note that your CV is automatically deleted after 6 months. After 6 months, please fill in the form again if you wish for your CV to remain in our database.

To retain your CV in our system, your consent is required during the application process. Without your consent, your CV will be deleted immediately.

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Zoologisk Have - København ZOO

Roskildevej 32, 2000 Frederiksberg

Vi er sat i verden for at fremme naturbevarelse. Det gør vi gennem inspiration og opdagelser for vores gæster i Zoologisk Have København. Vi bidrager aktivt i det internationale arbejde med at bevare dyrearter og naturområder.

We accept unsolicited job applications: Apply through our webpages

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