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BUS Mechanic


We are looking for MECHANICS that have experience with maintaining, reparation and troubleshooting of diesel engines.

Working assignments:

  • Knowledge of electrical work and diesel engines.
  • Servicing, maintenance and repair of buses.
  • Experience with troubleshooting and diagnostic tests.


  • You are motivated and thorough, quality minded and reliable.
  • You are stable and come to work on time.
  • You must be able to speak, write and understand English.

We offer:

  • Good salary according to collective agreement.
  • 12,5% vacation, SH(Sunday and holiday pay).
  • Possibility for working extra hours with bonus.
  • We provide administrative help with tax card, health insurances.
  • We provide help with accommodation and transport.
  • Support from our consultants all the way.
  • Possibility for long term cooperation and for the right persons there can be a possibility for a permanent position.


If you are interested in the job offer, fill out the application form and attach your CV as soon as possible.

More informations at +45 43140991 or e-mail at [email protected]

Egevej 2, 1., Aabenraa

Location: Aarhus, Vejle, Hvidovre

Application deadline: 30 Sep 2024

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Application deadline 30 September 2024
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Rødkløvervej 2, 6950 Ringkøbing

JKS lagde fra land som et mindre skibsværft tæt på Ringkøbing i 1995. I tidens løb har vi udviklet os til en af Danmarks førende vikar- og rekrutteringsvirksomheder. Vi er i dag specialister i at sikre virksomheder kvalificeret arbejdskraft og hjælpe mennesker i arbejde.

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