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Business Development Manager


Nord Pool is undertaking business development activities in order to broaden the scope of its business and diversify its activities and revenue streams.

Therefore, Nord Pool is actively looking for a Business development Manager, who will report to the Head of business development. The role is based in Oslo and requires international travel in the Nordics and Continental Europe.

Helping designing and building strategic development initiatives under the responsibility of the Head of Business Development.

He/she participates to the development of new business areas at Nord Pool, to expand and diversify its activities beyond core business. He/she particularly provides business and clients inputs to the process so that the initiatives fit market needs and monitor trends and competition to ensure the relevance of the initiatives to our customers.

Areas of investigation will include power derivatives, EPAD auctions, Guarantees of Origin, PPAs and other commodity markets.

Core Missions:

  • Responsible of at least one strategic initiative from A to Z, to facilitate growth ambitions: opportunities identification, prioritization, design and implementation
  • Bring business and commercial inputs to Nord Pool and Euronext teams to design and implement business opportunities and ensure that business and clients requirements are correctly included in the design and implemented in the solutions
  • Undertake market analysis to identify market opportunities and customer needs, using desktop research, meetings with clients and partners and attendance in selected conferences
  • Monitor the competitive landscape of services and products of the company, conducts screening analysis to identify business targets, and ensures the reporting of his/her department
  • Support the decision-making process with good quality documentation covering market analysis, product/service description, business case
  • Support Sales teams with business intelligence productions identifying commercial opportunities and participate to roll-out processes of new strategic initiatives
  • Participate to regular meetings with partners where applicable, to ensure alignment
  • Participate to strategy process updates, M&A process, meetings with potential partners

Core skills

  • Solid understanding of, and interest in, power markets as a whole (spot, derivatives, PPAs, GOs, …), with 5 years minimum experience in energy trading/exchanges
  • Rigorous project management skills: ability to leverage internal and external relationships, autonomy and determination to drive forward projects, provide clear business input into functional requirements
  • Command of Excel and PowerPoint
  • Strong ability to perform research and build relevant intelligence on a wide set of quantitative and qualitative topics
  • International business experience – developing complex products in multiple geographic locations and multicultural environment

We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, gender, age, citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or any other legally protected factor. We value the unique talents of all our people, who come from diverse backgrounds with different personal experiences and points of view and we are committed to providing an environment of mutual respect.

Additional Information
This job description is only describing the main activities within a certain role and is not exhaustive. It does not prevent to add more tasks, projects.

Location: Nord Pool - Oslo

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Weidekampsgade 14, 2300 København S

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