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Commercial Manager for AKV – Food Ingredients

Foodjob Nordic

Foodjob Nordic is now looking for a Commercial Manager to join AKV’s Global Sales & Application Center in Agro Food Park in Aarhus. The Commercial Manager will be responsible for regional strategic planning, overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of commercial capabilities across the target markets in a region, that is interesting for AKV. The Commercial Manager ensures good performance and strong strategic planning on the targets of defined business objectives regarding budgets, process, and client requirements to maintain and enhance profitable operations. The Commercial Manager is based at AKV Sales Office in Agro Food Park, and reports to the CCO in this very lean and flat organization with a high level of entrepreneurial spirit.

Responsibilities and goals:
The Commercial Manager is responsible for the performance and development of successful strategies for the commercial operations according to the agreed Business Plans regarding native starch and value-add potato based-solutions. The Commercial Manager will identify the most relevant client segments and will develop go-to-market plans in close cooperation with the CCO and Sales team. The Commercial Manager should identify the best distribution channels and partners and interact with customers and representatives of associated industries to evaluate and promote growth and efficiency in commercial operations, including input to product development and drive new product launches.

Important focus points are:

  • Development and implementation of strategies/process improvement/management to ensure commercial success of the business and optimal distribution channels
  • Work closely with the CCO and cross functionally within the organization to develop business plans, budgets and the creation of a strong commercial excellence agenda
  • Responsible for sales development to maintain and enhance profitable commercial operations both through direct sales and distributors
  • Work with team members to identify new technologies/processes leading to new products and commercial opportunities beyond current core product areas


  • Commercial excellence within both commodity and solution-based sales
  • Educated with a Degree in Sales, Marketing, Science, Food Tech or comparable qualifications
  • Strong experience from Sales in an international role in the Food Ingredients industry
  • Substantial experience and knowledge of the Food Ingredients business areas
  • Outstanding networking and cooperation skills including experience in collaboration with partners and stakeholders in an international perspective
  • Strong project management skills, high integrity and thought leadership skills
  • Self-starting with excellent communication skills
  • Flexible and is willing to travel up to 80 days annually

Salary and location:

  • Based at Agro Food Park near Aarhus, Denmark. Attractive salary package+ pension + benefits

Further information and application
Partner and Director Mads Kinch Clemmensen from Foodjob Nordic, tel. +45 2912 6119, email: e-mail can be contacted for further information on the position.

AKV AmbA is a Danish potato starch producer with production and headquarter in Langholt, Northern Jutland and the global Sales & Application Center in Agro Food Park near Aarhus. AKV was established in 1933 and is a cooperative owned by approx.180 farmers. More than 95% of our sales are generated from export to approx. 70 countries around the World via direct sales to the global food industry as well as to local distributors. The product portfolio consists of both native and modified starches, including innovative clean label starches.


Employer: AKV AmbA
Central Region


Sales, Marketing & Customer contact



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Foodjob Nordic

Agro Food Park 13, 8200 Aarhus

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