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Can’t find the perfect match? We’re always looking for talented new team members and we’d enjoy hearing from you. Send us your CV and explain what kind of job you are looking for in the “Note” section. Our Recruiters will review it and let you know once the suitable role appears.

About us:
Templafy is the next gen document generation platform that automates all document creation across organizations. Our platform eliminates manual document work allowing companies to drive governance, efficiency and ultimately business results. Templafy supports millions of users and enables over 800 enterprise customers such as KPMG, IKEA, BDO and more.

Founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2014, Templafy’s success is built by our 60+ employee nationalities found at offices around the world. We believe when people feel they belong, have a voice, and feel heard, they are happier and perform better, and that way, everyone wins. Our innovation, diversity, and unique product have raised over 200 million dollars in funding from Insight Venture Partners, Seed Capital, Dawn Capital, Damgaard Company and Golub Capital.

Templafy is a workplace of belongingness. To us this means that you have a voice, you dare to speak up, and your voice is heard. We focus on offering an environment that allows all employees to feel that they belong regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, gender, gender identity, genetic information, parental or pregnancy status, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or another status.

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Østergade 36, 1100 København

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