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Automation Engineer, Airport Engineering


Join us as the Automation Engineer with the opportunity to develop the technical automation solution for projects, delivering cutting-edge technology for Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) in airports across the globe. You get to configure and programme the solutions of tomorrow with our very own test centre right next door.
Welcome to BEUMER
To further expand and strengthen our team in Airport Automation we are seeking two skilled Automation Engineers to join our dynamic team. As our new Automation Engineer, you become part of our CrisBag team in the Airport Automation department. Here, you join approx. 60 creative and highly skilled colleagues in Airport Engineering, with whom you create the solutions of tomorrow.

Play a crucial part in developing cutting-edge technology and products
You take part in all the project phases, from specifications trough PLC programming, design, testing and commissioning. In the projects you and your colleagues design and programme controls for our baggage handling systems worldwide. Furthermore, you will be responsible for the continuous development and maintenance of the product to secure peak performance and agility.

Your tasks include but not limited to:

  • Develop PLC code for modules, elements, and specific solutions in our BHS
  • Maintain, improve, and help define the best solutions for our product as well as specific projects
  • Join in commissioning your PLC code in projects worldwide as well as testing your solutions virtually or at our test center
  • Review layouts and solutions early in the process to secure the long-term success of our projects
  • Participate in the documentation of our solutions
  • Contribute to the department and company with your knowledge and solution-based mindset

Skilled Automation Engineer
As our new Automation Engineer, you will report to the Automation Team Manager. You will be responsible for and contribute to the further development of the structure and architecture of the CrisBag product. Most likely you:

  • Have experience with PLC/Automation Engineer with experience in Siemens TIA
  • Have experience with STL (Statement list) and SCL (Structured Control Language)
  • Have experience within object-oriented programming.
  • Have experience with developing PLC code for larger project-based machines
  • Speak and write English fluently

We appreciate an inclusive mindset and the desire to be a part of a highly dedicated team, driven by the technology and world class products. Also, you have a playful spirit and enjoy finding solutions to solve complex challenges. Preferably you have a few years of experience with developing PLC code for the machine industry – but at Beumer we are very inclusive and welcome any background, what matters is your expertise and mindset.

Explore the CrisBag baggage handling system here.

If you have any questions regarding this position, please contact P&C Manager, Sarah Øgaard Olsen on +45 31 24 49 91. .

If you would like to play a committed part in our successful family business, you can apply online via the link.

We look forward to meeting you.

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P.O. Pedersens Vej 10, 8200 Aarhus N

With 4,500 employees in more than 70 countries we offer intralogistic solutions for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation and baggage handling.

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