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Waiver Intern – Reefer Sao Paulo

Blue Water Shipping A/S

Position Requirements

  • Fluent English language
  • Proactiveness
  • Communication skills
  • Analytical thinking
  • Ability to evaluate existing processes, identify improvements needs and implement improvement actions
  • Ability to plan the work routine
  • Microsoft Office package basic knowledge: Outlook, Word, Excel & Power Point

Individual task

  • Answer phone calls, filter and transfer same to the corresponding employee
  • Manage and update own and e-mail group account
  • Assist in coordinating waiver issuance with clients
  • Assist in coordinating waiver issuance with suppliers
  • Insert information on pre-defined layouts (waivers)
  • Fill in spreadsheets with data related to the waivers for coordination and proper invoicing
  • Manage waive process on on company´s own systems – Tier 2 & Carlo
  • Insert information on pre-defined excel layouts
  • Research, tabulate and resume daily routines and information for specific reports, when requested

Together we create solutions
Blue Water is a global provider of all logistics services in modern supply chain management. Founded in Denmark in 1972, Blue Water has 2500 employees at 80 offices worldwide. Every Blue Water office combines a strong global network with local expertise.

We are a leading expert in reefer transport. We have a strong position in the global reefer market with cross trade solutions through our network of global offices. The handling of chilled and frozen products requires special attention and skills. With our modern equipment and in-house knowledge, we offer global solutions for chilled and frozen products by road, sea and air.

Department: Reefer Sea Brazil

Deadline: 30 September 2024

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

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Application deadline 30 September 2024
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Blue Water Shipping A/S

Trafikhavnskaj 9, 6700 Esbjerg

Blue Water Shipping is a global provider of tailor-made transport and logistics solutions specifically designed to meet the requirements of our clients. The heart of Blue Water is +2,500 specialised employees from over 80 offices around the world.

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