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Lean Manager

Svendborg Brakes

The world’s leading brand of intelligent brake solutions with focus on the sustainability agenda
As Svendborg Brakes are facing great challenges going forward, we are looking for a competent person who is keen about improving, growing and developing smarter ways to work efficient.

The Lean Manager will be responsible for the development, implementation, and evolution of the business systems and tools, such as 6Sigma, 5S, Kaizen, value stream and other lean tools in our facilities. There will be a focus on driving growth through the lean philosophy and tools while collaborating with the facilities’ teams and management to drive a culture of continuous improvement. The lean manager will have great opportunities to grow, develop and have an impact and interaction as a part of the global Regal Rexnord lean team.

You will have the following tasks and responsibilities, amongst others:

  • Applying lean tools and methodologies to achieve continuous improvement and business objectives
  • Coaching and mentoring leaders in the lean tool box
  • Exemplifying the culture of continuous improvement across the organization
  • Collaborating with leadership to prioritize top level improvement priorities
  • Driving transformation in challenging areas
  • Training associates on continuous improvement methods
  • Leading and coaching Kaizen events


  • Bachelor’s Degree in engineering, business, marketing or a technical discipline
  • Preferable a Black Belt in Lean or equivalent experience in a lean business system
  • Experience with Lean transformation and rollout
  • Experience with business strategy planning/development
  • Good business and financial understanding
  • Ability to engage with all levels of the organization, including training competences
  • Team player that is always willing to coach
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills; general computer skills and knowledge
  • English and Danish at a native level

We offer:

  • An exciting and independent job with varied tasks in a global organization
  • An informal working environment with a good tone and opportunity for knowledge sharing
  • Good opportunities for personal and professional development
  • Salary according to qualifications, pension scheme, health insurance, and an attractive canteen scheme

You are welcome to contact HR Director Charlotte Stigkjær Jacobsen for further information at phone no. +45 63 255 254 for further information.

If this position is something for you, send an application and detailed CV via the following link as soon as possible.

See for further information. Svendborg Brakes ApS is a part of Regal Rexnord.

Svendborg Brakes creates high growth for both customers and ourselves by innovating, testing and delivering world class braking solutions. We are value driven and customer focused, and we continuously strive for superior and unmatched quality in design, products, testing, certification and services. This makes us Global Leading Experts and the preferred and trusted provider in the field of intelligent braking solutions.

If you want to hear more about the position, please feel free to contact Charlotte Stigkjær Jacobsen
[email protected]
Tlf. +45 63 255 254


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Svendborg Brakes

Jernbanevej 9, 5882 Vejstrup

Svendborg Brakes, en del af Regal Rexnord, er innovatøren af ​​industrielle bremsekonfigurationer og pionerer inden for hydrauliske bremsesystemer, kraftoverførsel og motion control-produkter. Svendborg Brakes' produktsortiment omfatter hydrauliske bremser og kraftenheder, bremsestyringer og koblinger til segmenter som vedvarende energi, minedrift, kraner og olie & gas.

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