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Growth marketing & sales interns


Proteams Copenhagen Internship

Salary Unpaid

Proteams builds and manages digital teams with Europe's top freelancers, delivering custom-made and already-built digital products for the top enterprises, and enabling them to disrupt traditional ways of IT outsourcing. Learn more at:

We are looking for brilliant interns with entrepreneurship spirit to support us in growth marketing activities, direct & indirect sales, communications, and customer relationships.


  • Excellent communication and copywriting skills
  • Innovative and data-driven mindset
  • Curious and inquisitive in nature, quick-learner
  • Understanding how to collect, organize and perform sophisticated analysis on data to gain insights that lead to efficient experimenting

It is a bonus if you have:

  • Experience in B2B sales
  • Experience working with customer service/surveying
  • Familiarity/experience with growth marketing
  • Practical experience with digital marketing, or studying relevant degree relevant to marketing/communication/business economics

Tasks will include:

  • Create lead sheets for target B2B clients
  • Communicating with clients on various channels
  • Follow up KPI targets.
  • Communicating success stories, tips, and challenges of the customers
  • Support with the planning of the annual Crowdsourcing summit (
  • Curating and creating content (incl. blog posts, social posts, white-papers, newsletters, mailings)
  • Creating a content marketing plan.

If you want to experience what it’s like to be a part of an international start-up in digital space, using creative marketing and sales strategies and acquire new clients online and offline, then apply through the Hub!

For more information or questions please contact us at [email protected]

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Gyngemose Parkvej 25, 2860 Søborg

Proteams builds and manages digital teams with Europe's top freelancers, and delivers custom-made or already-built digital products for the leading enterprises.

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