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Mechanical Supervisor, Offshore

NorSea Denmark A/S (Danbor A/S)

(English below)


  • Ansvarlig for vedligeholdelse af mekanisk udstyr på stedet, herunder dieselmotorer, pumper, ventilhuse, filtre, varmeapparater og vekslere
  • Leder et lille team bestående af teknikere og en seniortekniker
  • Støttes af gasturbinespecialist


  • Højere eksamen eller certifikat (HND/HNC (A-niveauer + 3 års studier) eller BTS/DUT eller tilsvarende
  • 5 til 10 års erfaring indenfor vedligeholdelse af olie- og gasproduktionsanlæg
  • Grundlæggende kendskab til relevante procesprincipper og udstyr til anlæg, hvor der forarbejdes gas og olie
  • Engelsktalende
  • Teamledelse
  • Fokuseret på sikkerhed
  • Kan være en formand eller en dygtig tekniker, der gerne vil have mere ansvar

Interesseret? Tøv ikke med at sende os din ansøgning!
Ansøgninger behandles løbende. Hvis du har spørgsmål, kontakt venligst [email protected]

Du er også velkommen til at sende os en uopfordret ansøgning, hvis du ønsker at komme i betragtning til andre stillinger.


NorSPIE er et konsortium af offshore-specialister fra SPIE Oil & Gas Services og NorSea.

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  • Responsible for mechanical equipment maintenance on site including diesel engines, pumps, body parts of valves s, filters, heaters, and exchangers.
  • manage a small team of technicians and senior Technician
  • Is supported by a Gas turbine specialist


  • Higher National Diploma or Certificate (HND/HNC (A-levels + 3 years’ study) or BTS/DUT or equivalent
  • 5 to 10 years experience in the field of maintenance on oil and gas production installations
  • Basic Knowledge of principles of process and equipment of Oil and Gas treatment installation
  • English speaking
  • Team leadership
  • Safety minded
  • Can be a forman or a skilled technician that wants to have more responsibilities

Interested? Don’t hesitate to contact us or send your application
Applications are processed on an ongoing basis. If you have any questions please contact [email protected]
You are also welcome to send an unsolicited application if you want to be considered for other positions.

About NorSPIE
NorSPIE is a consortium of offshore specialists from SPIE Oil & Gas Services and NorSea


Apply for position

  • Start Date
    Start as soon as possible
  • Workplace
    Kanalen 1, 6700 Esbjerg DK

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Please don’t hesitate to contact one of our competent colleagues or fill out the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Safety & Quality
Protecting the safety of our employees, stakeholders, facilities, and the environment is at the heart of everything we do at NorSea Denmark. Services

  • Logistics
  • Port Services
  • Energy Solutions
  • Facility Services
  • UK


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NorSea Denmark is a one-stop-shop service provider to the entire energy industry. Our greatest asset is our specialized employees.

We are dedicated to finding solutions that are safer, smarter, and greener through safety standards, innovation, co-creation, and efficiency. Minimizing cost, emissions, and complexity in the process.

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NorSea Denmark A/S (Danbor A/S)

Kanalen 1, 6700 Esbjerg

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