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TARGET Headhunting ApS

Værkmestergade 25

DK- 8000 Aarhus C

The Company
BioMar's legacy is a commitment to develop the aquaculture industry in a responsible and sustainable way. BioMar was founded in 1962 by Danish trout farmers.

In the late 1950s, the first European fish farmers experienced the benefits of switching from homemade wet feed to manufactured dry feed imported from the USA. The breeders found that their fish thrived and had better growth compared to the wet feed, which caused a high level of water pollution in the ponds and harmed the welfare of the fish.

BioMar is one of the world's largest producers of high-performance, sustainable feed for the global aquaculture industry. They operate 17 feed factories in Norway, Chile, Denmark, Scotland, Spain, France, Vietnam, Greece, Turkey, China, Ecuador, Australia and Costa Rica and operate in more than 90 countries worldwide.

BioMar is fully owned by the Danish conglomerate Schouw & Co.

The Position
The position is located in the BioMar Global Sourcing team, which manages the global consumption of raw materials in the BioMar Group. You will report to the Global Sourcing Director.

This involves not only ensuring that the global factories have the right products at the right time and at the right price, but also joint development with R&D, suppliers and external stakeholders to create the raw materials of tomorrow.

BioMar has a clear commitment to sustainability, which is embedded in everything they do and how they work with raw materials and suppliers.

The Task
Are you the right candidate for a global, dynamic and innovative Sourcing environment, and do you want to be a key value creator in a growing global company?

In the role, you must both ensure critical supplier relationships and BioMar's integrity through responsible purchasing practices and ensure a continuous pipeline of improvement opportunities, new raw materials and optimized logistical solutions together with key internal/external stakeholders.

Our category managers analyze the varying risks in the category and ensure that proactive countermeasures are implemented. You will ensure that strategic industry insight is used in business initiatives to develop / maintain market leadership position within the category.

The Candidate
You will be an integral part of the Global Sourcing Team in a flat organization with an informal tone and with good development potential and great responsibility.

You have 5-10 years' experience in the feed or food industry and 3-5 years' experience in a similar/comparable role with purchasing raw materials. e.g. as ingredient purchaser

You will work in a network with the local factories to secure, develop and cover the demand for vegetable protein and oils. Risk management strategies and tools will be a natural part of your work and you should be very comfortable in this area.

Having previously held a similar role, you have experience working with large suppliers, raw material specifications/legal documents/contracts, risk management and sustainability/GHG reduction at supplier level.

You also have good analytical and presentation skills and you are able to communicate across organizational levels while maintaining a strong eye for detail.

The right candidate will be able to communicate clearly, professionally and respectfully within all levels of the organization. The position requires travel to visit BioMar's facilities and the global supplier base. Annual travel days will be approx. 50 and with a focus on frequent but shorter visits within the EU/Norway. A few longer trips per years to Asia/Brazil/Chile must be expected.

Relevant experience, as described above, is highly valued, but an education level of cand. or equivalent level.

Place of residence
Preference is given to a candidate whose transport time between residence and domicile does not exceed 1 hour.

Aarhus, but hybrid work is possible. The option is offered for 2 weekly home working days.

Group language is English, knowledge of the Nordic languages, especially Norwegian and Danish, is an advantage. It is a plus if you know Spanish, but not a requirement.

The Microsoft Office package. It is an advantage if you have experience with trading platforms, e.g. Reuters.

The Company offers
An exciting job with great responsibility and influence. You are compensated at an attractive level, good flexible terms and orderly staff relations.

BioMar has embedded sustainability in everything they do and how they work with raw materials and suppliers.

Start time
Preferably October 1.

If you have any questions, please contact Anders Hansson [email protected] Tlf.: +45 9388 8573 Application deadline:
As soon as possible Apply

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