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Senior Data Engineer/Scientist for Predicti

Recruit IT

Join our costumer, Predicti, as a Senior Data Engineer/Scientist in the Fintech sector! Do you enjoy tackling complex challenges while engaging with customers? If so, you could be the ideal candidate.

Predicti is a team of quirky fintech wizards who thrive on transforming intricate scenarios into exceptional customer experiences. With this mission in mind, they are revolutionizing the way financial institutions engage with their clients. Instead of inquiring about customer desires, Predicti proactively provide them with what they truly need. This is achieved by leveraging intelligent insights derived from publicly available data, combined with machine learning models trained on the existing portfolios of financial institutions.

As Predictis new Data Engineer, you will become a valued member of their dynamic fintech team, dedicated to developing an API-first platform. You will play a pivotal role in spearheading the development of their platform, collaborating closely with our customers. Your responsibilities will involve close coordination with their entire team, ensuring the satisfaction of their customers.

They provide a highly flexible workplace environment, allowing you to alternate between remote work a few days a week and working from any of our office locations in the Greater Copenhagen area (Søborg), Aarhus, or Vilnius (Lithuania). Even if you reside far from these locations, they still encourage you to apply.

As their ideal Data Engineer, you have

    • Master or PHD degree in data science, Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, or a related field.
    • 2+ years of experience in a data engineering capacity.
    • Strong proficiency in SQL and experience with data visualization.
    • Experience with PostgreSQL or similar relational database systems.
    • An analytical mindset and a passion for the detail.
    • Strong problem-solving skills with an emphasis on product development.
    • +1 If you have experience with event sourcing.
    • The opportunity to influence the direction of a new digital B2B platform at its infancy and to re-frame the way companies think about their customers.
    • They have an online-first culture. We really enjoy meeting in person, but we also appreciate the freedom to work from everywhere.
    • They offer a supreme lunch.
    • Great health insurance, parental leave, and pension agreement.

What Predicti can offer you

Are you interested or do you have any questions, you are always welcome to reach out!

Aarhus N

as soon as possible

Lars Nielsen
[email protected]
Mobil: +45 31 54 70 06

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