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B737 Type Rated First Officer at Jettime


Jettime is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications from B737 Type Rated First Officers for positions at both our CPH and HEL bases. We offer dynamic roles within a holiday charter and ACMI environment, supported by a vibrant company culture.

Jettime operates as a Business-to-Business provider, delivering flight transportation solutions to tour operators, airlines, private companies, and public institutions.

Our core values Accountability, Courage, Trust, and Relations serve as fundamental principles in our daily operations. Beyond the critical safety role, a Jettime Pilot plays a key role in creating a unique experience for our passengers. We are proud to fly on behalf of some of Europe’s largest tour operators, a responsibility we take seriously.

We offer a competitive salary structure defined by our Danish and Finnish union agreements, along with an attractive pension plan that includes health insurance, loss of license coverage, and favourable Scandinavian base and working conditions.

We are committed to fostering a positive work environment and maintaining a sensible work-life balance, enabling you to enjoy both a fulfilling career in aviation and a satisfying personal life.


  • Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, or Finnish Part-FCL Commercial Pilot License Aeroplane (CPL-A/MPL-A).
  • A license issued by another EASA member state is acceptable for application but must be transferred before the start of the course.
  • Valid Type Rating for B737NG.
  • Valid Instrument Rating for Multi-Engine Aeroplane (IR(A) ME).
  • Medical Certificate Class 1.
  • ICAO English Language Proficiency Level 5 or above.
  • Valid EU passport.
  • A clean criminal record.
  • Proficiency in a Scandinavian language is mandatory

Please include in your application:
Your perspective on the primary qualities a pilot should possess, both inside and outside the cockpit.

How your skills and personal competencies will contribute to your role as a pilot and colleague at Jettime.

Recruitment Process:

The recruitment process will involve simulator assessments, technical, cognitive, and psychometric tests and interviews, which will take place in CPH during the autumn/winter 2024/25.

We are recruiting for OCC start during winter/spring 2024/25. Applications should be submitted as soon as possible, and no later than September 22nd 2024. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

For any inquiries, please contact our recruitment team via email at [email protected]

We look forward to receiving your application.

Department: Pilots

Deadline: 22 September 2024

Location: HQ / Amager Strandvej, 390, 2770, Kastrup, Denmark

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Amager Strandvej 390-392, 2770 Kaastrup

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