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Senior Development Engineer, DOVISTA

Brinch & Partners

Senior Development Engineer
Are you interested in harmonizing product platforms across borders with a focus on modularization and adaptation to multiple markets? And do you also find it motivating to work with concept development, technical design, and implementing new designs into production in multiple countries? If so, the role of Senior Development Engineer at DOVISTA could be your next career step.

We are seeking an experienced and committed Development Engineer who is passionate about tackling complex product development challenges to drive sustainable and valuable growth at DOVISTA. This is a unique opportunity to join a dynamic and evolving team, dedicated to close collaboration with stakeholders to achieve the strategic goals and objectives of each project.

Your responsibilities
DOVISTA is on an industrialization journey. As part of this journey, we aim to simplify and harmonize our product platforms in the North European market. You will report to the Senior Manager Modularization and Concept Development, and be responsible for various tasks to harmonize the different product platforms across markets. The focus areas will include concept development, design/construction, documentation, product testing, and the implementation of the developed platforms into various production departments. You will work closely with R&D teams in other countries, product management, and the rest of the development department in Wood Alu.

You will engage and communicate effectively with stakeholders at all levels to ensure the necessary support for your tasks. Additionally, you will align project activities with the relevant expectations and opportunities across different markets and local companies.

Your responsibilities may also include:

  • Ensuring high product quality and production readiness through structured FMEA work and design for manufacturing practices
  • Implementing products into production facilities
  • Coordinating external testing of developed products in collaboration with notified bodies
  • Collaborating with external suppliers in close partnership with procurement
  • Supporting system approval for product changes
  • Scoping and planning your activities based on agreed-upon high-level deliverables.

Your qualifications
You likely have a technical education, such as an engineering degree, and several years of experience in developing new products—including concept development, design, construction, and the implementation of new products into production. You have experience working in a development department within a larger organization, where you’ve collaborated with colleagues and production teams in different countries. Additionally, you have experience working closely with Product Managers, Procurement, external testing, and Engineering within production environments.

On a personal level, you manage development projects with initiative and a structured approach. You demonstrate flexibility when projects or tasks change, and you understand how to collaborate effectively with colleagues from different functions and nationalities, each with their own perspectives on the ‘right way to do things.’ You possess strong communication skills, particularly in explaining technical and complex concepts to non-technical colleagues. You are both ambitious and empathetic, taking the time to listen to and understand stakeholders across different countries. You also challenge the status quo when you identify opportunities to drive better business results.

Your opportunities
In this role, you’ll collaborate with highly dedicated colleagues and join a dynamic team where effort and quality are paramount. You’ll have the opportunity to shape the agenda with your strong results and positive, proactive approach. The work environment is fast-paced and can be demanding, but communication remains relaxed and informal, with a strong emphasis on learning, continuous improvement, and mutual support.

The DOVISTA Group presents exciting challenges and excellent opportunities to influence your own development. You’ll work alongside skilled and committed colleagues in a company where dedication, thoroughness, and mutual respect are core values.

Application and contact
The application and selection process are being managed in partnership with Brinch & Partners. For more information about this opportunity and the DOVISTA Group, please don’t hesitate to contact Partner Henrik Smit at +45 2215 2787.

To apply for the position, please use the ‘Apply‘ button below. We look forward to receiving your application and CV as soon as possible.

All inquiries will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.


Henrik Smit
+45 2215 2787
[email protected]

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Brinch & Partners

Havnegade 39, 1058 København

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