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Financial Consultant

Sensu A/S

MS Dynamics 365 Business Central

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Do you want to join an exciting journey in an international tech company? Perhaps you are good with numbers and finances and have ambitions to turn your knowledge into value as a consultant at one of Denmark’s leading Microsoft Partners, within MS Dynamics 365 Business Central? We offer an exciting position with a lot of freedom, influence and variety in TRIMIT Group, where you will experience a unique working environment, a culture where nearness, trust and personal relationships are paramount and where seniority is high among your colleagues in the consulting team.

You will have a central role working with developers and project managers on selected customer projects. You have a close dialogue with the customer, where you are able to understand the customer’s wishes and needs. From here, your tasks will be to analyze issues and discuss with developers and customers on the right solution designs, for which you will provide financial guidance in relation to the customer’s business economics. You will, therefore, have good opportunities to leave your mark on the customers’ businesses and to design, describe and assist in their implementation. You will be part of a consulting team consisting of 17 skilled and experienced consultants reporting to the Head of Consulting and Service in TRIMIT DK.

To be successful in the role you will have a finance background and perhaps have completed an auditing course. However, your work experience is more important than your education. There may be several paths into the job, as you may come from a similar position in a NAV house with a focus on customers and financial advice. You may also come from the end-user segment and have some years of experience in finance, either as an accountant or as a financial controller. You therefore have some years of practical experience with the day-to-day tasks in a finance function and have insight into the use of ERP systems – preferably MS Dynamics 365 Business Central or Microsoft Dynamics NAV – while wanting to work as a consultant. In addition, we expect you to communicate in Danish and English, both orally and in writing.

You must have a driver’s license and your own car.

As a person, you are welcoming, outgoing and service-minded. You are able to create good relationships with both your colleagues and your customers, where you are good at listening, getting involved and thus finding the right solution for the customer. You are tidy and keep your appointments. At the same time, you are characterized by being analytical, structured and quality-conscious, with an eye for details, and you have a sharp sense of business. Your colleagues are with you all the way, and although the job requires a high degree of independence, it is teamwork that contributes the most to ensuring your and your customers’ success.

Are you one of the new financial consultants we are looking for at TRIMIT in Viborg, Kolding, or Copenhagen? Then hurry up and upload your application and CV in either English or Danish. For further information about the position, please contact Sensu A/S, Thomas Bech at +45 22 89 89 76.

If you need to know more about the job prior to your application, you are always more than welcome to contact the responsible Consultant
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Sensu A/S

Gøteborgvej 18, st., 9200 Aalborg SV

Sensu A/S is a consultancy based in Jutland, Denmark. Its focus is on the interaction between people and companies. Sensu A/S specialises in recruitment and selection, head-hunting, manager development, organisational development and outplacement.

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