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Business Analyst

Responsive A/S

We are seeking an ambitious and dynamic Business Analyst to join Responsive. This part-time position is ideal for students looking to gain real-world experience in a fast-paced consultancy environment.

About Responsive
The world is shifting towards consumer empowerment and more meaningful digital interactions between businesses and consumers. At the center of this transformation is the daunting task of transitioning the company’s core business into the digital age. For commercial teams, it requires adopting a new mindset, new strategies, and new operating models that leverage technology and data to succeed.

Responsive is a consultancy contributing to our clients’ digital commercial transformation. We provide strategic advice, design customer experiences, and implement solutions and technology that transition our clients’ core business into the digital age. Our award-winning services create substantial, tangible, and sustainable value for our clients, and consequently, we experience increasing demand for our expertise and services.

The Role
As a Business Analyst, you help to drive our mission to help clients succeed in the digital era. This part-time position is ideal for ambitious students looking to gain real-world experience in a fast-paced consultancy environment. You will work alongside a team of experienced consultants, solution architects, and technology experts to deliver projects that drive growth and profitability for our clients.

Your responsibilities

  • Work collaboratively on one or more deliverables in the day-to-day execution of projects.
  • Analyze large datasets and help shape business requirements for technology implementations.
  • Contribute to strategic discussions, perform market research, and write specification documents.
  • Uphold high standards of conduct and contribute to the collective knowledge base and skill set of the team.

Your qualifications

  • Currently pursuing or recently completed a relevant degree, preferably in strategy, business, and/or IT.
  • Demonstrated interest in commercial strategy, digital transformation, or digital development through academic or extracurricular activities.
  • A keen eye for detail and a tenacious spirit that thrives in challenging situations.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, coupled with an ability to work independently.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Why join us?

  • Gain invaluable experience working on high-impact projects in a dynamic consultancy environment.
  • Learn from experienced professionals and grow your consulting toolbox.
  • Be part of a team that values your contribution and is committed to your personal and professional growth.
  • Opportunity for career progression and exposure to a variety of projects and challenges.

Practical information
Jobtype: Business Analyst (Part-time)

Location: Landemærket 29, 1119 København K

Deadline for application: As soon as possible

Start date: As soon as possible

Contact: Send your application to Stina Cameron [email protected]

Business Analyst (Part-time)

Landemærket 29, 1119 København K

Deadline for application
As soon as possible

Start date
As soon as possible

Send your application to Stina Cameron [email protected]

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Responsive A/S

Landemærket 29, 1119 København

We’re Responsive, a boutique consultancy firm based in Copenhagen. We work closely with our clients to develop digital customer experiences that deliver tangible business value.

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