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Process Consultant with interest in retail and ecommerce

Salling Group A/S

Are you looking for new challenges, motivated by working with the newest technology and being a part of a professional team? Then you are the person we are looking for!

We are offering
A spot in a professional IT organization – IT Development & Support. The department’s purpose is to identifying business needs, develop & optimize business solutions and support and strengthen business processes. Beside of that, we support and take responsibility in delivering the most critical business projects.

You will be a member of a skilled and professional product team and we offer a job where you will work with the newest technology on one of the most complex and exciting solutions in Europe. You will be a part of a dynamic and informal working environment characterized by a strong professional commitment.

Your tasks and responsibilities

  • You will be a part of our IT Sales team. The team is responsible for the entire life cycle – identifying business needs, development of new initiatives and supporting existing initiatives.
  • The IT Sales team enables, point-of-sales (POS) systems, order placement, sales registration, payment, returns and customer service solutions for the entire Salling Group.
  • Your involvement can be in relation to the identification of needs and/or development of solutions. Your exact tasks depend on your skills and interests and will most likely also vary over a year.
  • Your working area will be within our point-of-sales (POS) solutions. You will be responsible for the entire life cycle from identification of business needs, for development to testing across the team. Furthermore, support and repetitive tasks must be expected.
  • In other words, ensure that the customer gets the best customer experience.
  • You will have a close collaboration with all our formats incl. Netto, Bilka, føtex, & Netto in Poland & Germany and Salling.

The team
You will be a part of our IT Sales team. The team is responsible for the entire life cycle – identifying business needs, development of new initiatives and supporting existing initiatives. The IT Sales team enables order placement, sales registration, payment, returns and customer service solutions for the entire Salling Group.

Our new colleague
You have a business-oriented mindset, you think IT and retail is fun, and you are excited about how IT can enable. You might have user or technical experience, but what is essential is your capacity to learn and develop.

Your approach to tasks is structured with a keen eye on detail and quality. You like change and thrive in a dynamic environment. You strive to improve, are result oriented and work well within a team. Analytical mindset and a master’s degree will be an advantage.

You are service-minded and capable of adapting to the end-user point of view. A strong communicator and the ability to communicate with a variety of stakeholders is highly important, as our stakeholders are diverse. Hence, fluency in English - both written and oral – is a must.

We work in a SCRUM based setup; hence some understanding of agile methodologies is ideal, and a strong team player is a prerequisite.

Questions about the vacancy can be directed to Process Expert & Scrum Master, Lasse Withen Larsen on +45 2917 4520.

Interested? Please send us your application and CV as soon as possible and no later than September 22th. We will handle applications upon reception and remove the posting when the right candidate is found.

Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 Brabrand


Ugentlige arbejdstimer: 37

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Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 Brabrand

Over 53.000 medarbejdere. Danmarks mest mangfoldige arbejdsplads. Butikker, webshops, kaffebarer, restauranter og en række unikke og velkendte brands. Fordelt på fire lande. Alt sammen for at gøre hverdagen bedre. Vi er Salling Group.

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