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Senior Financial Crime Risk Officer

Danske Bank

Would you like to combine your own expertise with coordinating other experts across your own team and sister teams, while working with a broad range of stakeholders across countries? And are you interested in joining a specialised team within one of the group’s key focus areas – 1st Line Financial Crime? Then keep on reading!
Would you like to combine your own expertise with coordinating other experts across your own team and sister teams, while working with a broad range of stakeholders across countries? And are you interested in joining a specialised team within one of the group’s key focus areas – 1st Line Financial Crime? Then keep on reading!

Senior Financial Crime Risk Officer to join our team
Danske Bank’s 1st Line Financial Crime Risk Assessments team is recruiting for our strategic risk assessments section. We are searching for a senior colleague to join our team.

The position can be based in any of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Swe­den) or in Poland. In all locations, you will be working together with colleagues in the Financial Crime unit under a hybrid working model – note that we do not offer a fully remote position.

The tasks in our Strategic Risk Assessments section focus on the Group-Wide Risk Assessment (GWRA) and country-wide Financial Crime Risk Assessments (FCRA). In the section, we have a leading role in delivering analysis and reporting on FC risks to each of Danske Bank’s country branches, while we act as SMEs and first-line sparring partners for our counterparts in the GWRA team within Group Compliance for the Group-wide reporting. We work with business units and subsidiaries across all countries, where Danske Bank does business.

Enhancing your expertise in Strategic Assessment
As a senior team member, we will help you build on your existing skills to become one of our key experts within strategic risk assessment. We will agree detailed responsibilities based on your experience and interests, but in general, you can expect to become a senior subject-matter expert for the team and the Group for one or more of the topics that make up the GWRA / FCRA.

Here is an example of what your tasks could look like:

  • Working with large scale (such as enterprise- or division-level) risk assessments.
  • Performing targeted risk assessment or other analysis.
  • Working with additional financial crime risks besides money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • Providing written and verbal narratives for one or more of enterprise-level risk assessments, internal/external audits, regulatory authorities, or other control functions.
  • Producing quality dashboards, PowerPoints etc. for senior management.
  • Training and guiding more junior colleagues.

To meet the requirements of the job, we imagine that you have a background similar to this:

  • A minimum of 3 years of relevant experience, with good working knowledge of Financial Crime risks and/or controls.
  • Experience with stakeholder management, including to advise and guide stakeholders.
  • Experience running established processes independently or with little guidance needed.
  • Understanding of financial services and banking industry processes.
  • Excellent written and spoken English.

Does this sound like you? Then please get in touch with us.
If you have any questions about the role, you are welcome to contact the leader of 1st Line FC GWRA / FCRA & Product Risk Assessment, Jesper Søndergaard at [email protected].

Please note that we may select candidates for interviews on an on-going basis, and this job posting will be closed once we find our preferred new colleague

We look forward to hearing from you!




Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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