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Head of IT Wanzl Nordic

Wanzl Nordic A/S

We are looking for an experienced and strategic Head of IT Wanzl Nordic, who will play a key role in leading and transforming our IT landscape across the Nordic region. The position is filled in cooperation with Recruit IT.

It is crucial that our new colleague is an experienced IT manager with a strong passion for technology and innovation. Furthermore we emphasize strong communication skills and good human leadership skills.

Are you a problem solver who inspires and motivates your team?

Then you might be our new Head of IT.

Please read more and apply for the job via the Recruit IT site HERE.


  • Hadsten, Midtjylland, Denmark



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  • Hadsten, Midtjylland, Denmark


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Wanzl Nordic A/S

Toftegårdsvej 4, 8370 Hadsten

Din lokale samarbejdspartner inden for retail- og butiksløsninger I Wanzl Nordic er udgangspunktet altid dine behov. Hvad end du har brug for et skræddersyet state-of-the-art koncept eller en standard value-for-money løsning

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