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Copywriting Intern



Moonboon is looking for a Copywriting Intern!

As our Copywriting Intern, you would join our marketing team in a position in which you would closely collaborate with the rest of the team to gain valuable learnings about the marketing efforts of an innovative and young company working in a fast-paced environment.

Our ideal candidate is creative, open-minded, and not afraid to share their opinions. It is important that you can naturally reflect on your work and that of your team, are a team-player, have a solution-oriented mind-set, are passionate about creative thinking and can communicate well in English, both
verbally and in writing. Fluency in German, Dutch, Danish or Norwegian are considered a plus.


  • Creation of text content for various marketing materials such as social media posts, website content, email newsletters, product descriptions, and ads.
  • Co-development of our content universe strategy to cover the whole funnel of relevant searches in Google and challenges new/soon-to-be parents are facing.
  • Help taking our content universe currently consisting of +150 articles attracting more than 200K visitors per month.
  • Coordinating with external sleep advisors to produce new blog posts.
  • Production of new articles and updating/maintaining existing articles within the content universe.
  • Other ad hoc tasks.


  • Training by a member of the marketing team and ample opportunities for personal and professional development.
  • An environment in which a hands-on approach and new ideas are welcome and cherished.
  • The chance to play a significant role in a rapidly growing company.
  • The ability to expand and improve your CV.
  • A vibrant, fun, and easy-going office atmosphere.
  • Free lunch and drinks, as well as theoccasional Friday Bar or other fun social events.

The internship is full time (9-17, 37 hours a week), unpaid and would run ideally for 3-6 months.


Copenhagen, Denmark


As soon as you are available (on-site)


Please send your application and CV, written in English, to our Customer Marketing Manager, Megan at [email protected] with the subject line: Copywriting Intern
For any questions please feel free to reach out to Megan or call us at: +45 89 87 75 75.

Apply now - we look forward to hearing from you!

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Lindgreens Allé 9, 1tv, 2300 København S, 2300 København

Moonboon producerer slyngevugger og motorer i økologiske og bæredygtige materialer!

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