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Lead Project Manager for the CBTC system in the Future S-bane programme


Would you like to join the team responsible for one of the largest and most complex transformation projects in Denmark?

An important role in a complex project
We are currently revolutionizing the "Future S-train". We are on an exciting journey and would like to have you on board.

Investments are being made in the billion-class, and there are major technical and organizational changes happening. The goal is for the current S-train to be fully automated and driverless, creating more space for customers, reducing congestion, and contributing to a sustainable city environment in Greater Copenhagen.

The future S-train will be the world's largest and fastest driverless train system.

Join The Future S-train programme
We look forward to welcoming you into the Future S-train (FS) programme where we have about 200 internal and external colleagues with many skills and nationalities.

The Future S-train programme is structured into three key phases

    • Acquiring the driverless S-train network, including rolling stock and support systems.
    • Ensuring DSB's readiness to operate a driverless S-train network with necessary IT capabilities and traffic control measures.
    • Transitioning infrastructure management tasks from Banedanmark to DSB and taking responsibility for ongoing developments, upgrades, and operations of the CBTC system.
    • Acquiring the driverless S-train network, including rolling stock and support systems.
    • Ensuring DSB's readiness to operate a driverless S-train network with necessary IT capabilities and traffic control measures.
    • Transitioning infrastructure management tasks from Banedanmark to DSB and taking responsibility for ongoing developments, upgrades, and operations of the CBTC system.
    You will be part of the “Transformation team”. We are responsible for tasks related to preparing DSB for receiving the fully automated system (transition) as well as for tasks related to changing the existing infrastructure to be compatible with the new automated S-train system including CBTC and tasks transferred from Banedanmark to DSB.

    About the job
    You will be Project Lead for a project team consisting of 20 specialists with the relevant competencies within CBTC, project support, legal, technic etc.

    Your tasks will be to

    • manage the CBTC Project delivery activities (in close coordination with the FS-programme) and other stakeholders.
    • secure coordination between DSB, Banedanmark and Siemens.
    • report to the steering committee between DSB and Banedanmark governing the common activities.
    • act as a link towards Banedanmark in relation to the CBTC-tasks for which DSB is responsible.
    • plan and enable that employees transferring from Banedanmark to DSB are integrated in Fremtidens S-bane and in DSB appropriately.
    • act as advisor when DSB takes over sector responsibility for operating the CBTC-system in 2027.

    Who are you?
    We are looking for an experienced Project Lead with the following experiences and skills

    • Experience with leading a large and diverse group of experts.
    • Comprehensive experience with managing technical development projects.
    • Skills to establish a well-functioning partnership with other authorities and external suppliers.
    • Good English skills – both orally and in writing.
    • Experience with rail projects, possibly also CBTC.

    It is crucial that you possess the skills to develop the CBTC project while also understanding the full scope of the Future S-train program, ensuring seamless integration and interdisciplinary collaboration within the overall project.

    What DSB offers

    • A workplace in Høje Taastrup, close to public transportation.
    • The possibility of working from home up to two days a week.
    • Free transportation with DSB.
    • On-site fitness centre and membership to PureGym.
    • Pension plan and health insurance.
    • Healthy and delicious lunch arrangement with an option to buy takeaway dinner.

    Apply now
    We conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so kindly apply at your earliest convenience and no later than Sunday, September 22nd, in English or Danish, through our portal.

    For questions, please contact Per Jacobsen at 40 97 19 61.


    Would you like to join the team responsible for one of the largest and most complex transformation projects in Denmark?

    An important role in a complex project
    We are currently revolutionizing the "Future S-train". We are on an exciting journey and would like to have you on board.

    Investments are being made in the billion-class, and there are major technical and organizational changes happening. The goal is for the current S-train to be fully automated and driverless, creating more space for customers, reducing congestion, and contributing to a sustainable city environment in Greater Copenhagen.

    The future S-train will be the world's largest and fastest driverless train system.

    Join The Future S-train programme
    We look forward to welcoming you into the Future S-train (FS) programme where we have about 200 internal and external colleagues with many skills and nationalities.

    The Future S-train programme is structured into three key phases

      You will be part of the “Transformation team”. We are responsible for tasks related to preparing DSB for receiving the fully automated system (transition) as well as for tasks related to changing the existing infrastructure to be compatible with the new automated S-train system including CBTC and tasks transferred from Banedanmark to DSB.

      About the job
      You will be Project Lead for a project team consisting of 20 specialists with the relevant competencies within CBTC, project support, legal, technic etc.

      Your tasks will be to

      • manage the CBTC Project delivery activities (in close coordination with the FS-programme) and other stakeholders.
      • secure coordination between DSB, Banedanmark and Siemens.
      • report to the steering committee between DSB and Banedanmark governing the common activities.
      • act as a link towards Banedanmark in relation to the CBTC-tasks for which DSB is responsible.
      • plan and enable that employees transferring from Banedanmark to DSB are integrated in Fremtidens S-bane and in DSB appropriately.
      • act as advisor when DSB takes over sector responsibility for operating the CBTC-system in 2027.

      Who are you?
      We are looking for an experienced Project Lead with the following experiences and skills

      • Experience with leading a large and diverse group of experts.
      • Comprehensive experience with managing technical development projects.
      • Skills to establish a well-functioning partnership with other authorities and external suppliers.
      • Good English skills – both orally and in writing.
      • Experience with rail projects, possibly also CBTC.

      It is crucial that you possess the skills to develop the CBTC project while also understanding the full scope of the Future S-train program, ensuring seamless integration and interdisciplinary collaboration within the overall project.

      What DSB offers

      • A workplace in Høje Taastrup, close to public transportation.
      • The possibility of working from home up to two days a week.
      • Free transportation with DSB.
      • On-site fitness centre and membership to PureGym.
      • Pension plan and health insurance.
      • Healthy and delicious lunch arrangement with an option to buy takeaway dinner.

      Apply now
      We conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so kindly apply at your earliest convenience and no later than Sunday, September 22nd, in English or Danish, through our portal.

      For questions, please contact Per Jacobsen at 40 97 19 61.


      Department: Telegade 2, Taastrup

      Location: Telegade 2, 2630 Taastrup

      Application deadline: 22 Sep 2024

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      Telegade 2, 2630 Tåstrup

      DSB løfter en vital samfundsmæssig opgave sammen med mere end 500.000 daglige kunder. Som Danmarks største udbyder af offentlig transport spiller vi en vigtig rolle i at gøre Danmark til et bæredygtigt samfund. Det er DSB’s ambition, at bæredygtige, kollektive rejseformer skal være danskernes naturlige valg til fordel for både miljø og trafikal trængsel.

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