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Part-time Servers for our office in Oslo


About the Position
Your main task will be to serve our guests in our exclusive lounge located in our office. We have an ambition to meet our guests with a smile and a clear attitude. We expected that you are highly engaged in your job and are not afraid to go the extra mile.

JUC host around 10-70 guests daily. Guests will be served coffee/tea/water, breakfast, lunch, tapas, etc.

In addition to the above, you will assist your colleagues in the office with other ad hoc tasks. The position is located in our new exclusive office on Rosenkrantz' gate in Oslo, and you will report to the Guest Relations & Hospitality Coordinator.

You are:

  • Able to communicate clearly in Norwegian.
  • Smiling and service-minded.
  • Good at communication and cooperating.
  • Aware of your surroundings.
  • Able to juggle many tasks at once.
  • Reliable and quality-conscious.
  • Willing to make an extra effort when needed.

Perhaps you already have similar experience from previous jobs, either in the restaurant or event industry? It is not a requirement; we encourage everyone to apply.

Why should you choose us?
You will get a part-time job where flexibility is key. Shifts are between 8:30 AM and 9:00 PM and can be chosen to fit your schedule/studies. We are a small team that helps each other and values solidarity, and most importantly, we believe it should be fun to go to work. For us, it is crucial to work purposefully while maintaining a good work environment. An environment where we know each other and feel inspired. You will be part of a growing business on an exciting journey. A targeted journey where we have fun together. It is part of our DNA.

We, therefore, offer a unique opportunity to gain relevant work experience in collaboration with competent colleagues in an independent work environment based on mutual trust and respect.

What does JUC do?
JUC is a specialized course and networking company established in Denmark in 2001. We are leaders in the Danish market regarding courses, networks, and conferences where the target group is lawyers, accountants, real estate agents, and a broad spectrum of professional experts. Every year, we host events for more than 15,000 participants across 5000 different courses, 140 professional networks, and 20 conferences in Scandinavia in more than 20 subject areas. We are represented in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.

Read more about us at

Are we a match?
We hope so! If you have more questions about the position, you can contact Gabrijela Batarilo, our recruiter for the office in Oslo.

Send your CV to [email protected] and write “Serveringsmedarbeider” in the subject line.

We conduct interviews continuously. We look forward to receiving your application!

Department: Operations

Deadline: 01 October 2024

Location: Rosenkrantz' gate 22, 0160, Oslo, Norway

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Application deadline 01 October 2024
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