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Java Developer in the Nordics' fastest growing insurance Company?

Protector Forsikring


Code is more than just a language; it's the art of solving complex problems. Join our team and create magic!

We offer:

  • Ambitious, dedicated, and down-to-earth colleagues
  • Career opportunities and personal development through events, courses, geek nights, and more
  • A fast-paced and solution-oriented environment with challenging tasks
  • The opportunity to significantly influence your own and others' workday
  • Competitive salaries and an excellent pension plan, as well as a centrally located office in Oslo, at Aker Brygge
  • Mac or PC based on your preference

Role and Influence: You will be a vital member of the team, contributing to daily improvements. Your team may have domain responsibility for product and contract management, billing, claims handling, CRM systems, or services across these areas. Your work will impact how people work in six countries. The role involves active collaboration with business specialists, your own and other development teams, IT operations, and external integration partners.

We are looking for someone who:

  • Is familiar with technologies such as Java, Python, JavaScript/Typescript, React/AngularJS, Node, Kafka, and Linux. Either through practice and/or relevant degrees
  • Enjoy working with real business problems and follow them from idea to implementation
  • Have a passion for technology and a strong ambition to develop forward-looking IT solutions
  • In addition to Java, is interested in technologies like AI, Kafka, Elastic, SQL, and Cloud platforms
  • Is eager for continuous learning and knowledge sharing
  • Fluent in English – oral and written. Preferably also one of the Scandinavian languages.

Tech Stack:

  • Java is our primary backend language, with MSSQL/Postgres as the database
  • JSP/Thymeleaf/Htmx, AngularJS, and React are used in various applications for frontend
  • We use Kafka and Python where it fits, and we are not afraid to try new tools, technologies, and frameworks if we see an upside

Who are we? Protector Forsikring is a fast-growing insurance company in the Nordics and the UK, and a challenger in the industry. We have strong ambitions to continue growing and are constantly looking for the best people to join us on this journey. Our IT department consists of 50 skilled IT professionals who play a key role in everything we do by developing core systems in-house. We take pride in our efficient company structure, with minimal bureaucracy and quick decision-making processes. This allows our employees to get started quickly and deliver more in a shorter time. With us, you'll find a good mix of experienced professionals and fresh talent, fostering an inspiring and forward-looking work culture.

Learn more about our history and values on our website:

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Protector Forsikring

Kay Fiskers Plads 9, 2300 København S

Protector Forsikring begyndte i 2004 i Norge og har gennem alle årene haft kraftig vækst; i løbet af de første 15 år er vi vokset til over NOK 5 mia. i præmieindtægter. Protectors fremgang bygger på unikke relationer til vores samarbejdspartnere og dagligt fokus på omkostnings- og kvalitetslederskab. Udover Norge og Danmark har Protector afdelinger i Sverige, Finland og England. På koncernplan har Protector 300 ansatte. Vi leverer forsikringsløsninger til erhvervssegmentet samt den offentlige sektor, hvor Protector er førende forsikringsleverandør i det danske kommunemarked. Protector varetager selv skadebehandlingen og har fokus på at give den bedste service til vores kunder og mæglere.

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