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Project Engineer



Project Engineer
At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions. That's our story. Make it your story.
Your role and responsibilities
We are looking for project engineers to be a part of the automation section. A project engineer will typically work in teams or individually to solve technical issues in projects, and to ensure a satisfying execution of the projects. As a project engineer in ABB you must have good knowledge about software and hardware delivered by ABB and be able to clarify technical matters with customer and/or contractors. Tasks: • Design and modifications of control systems • Controller programming & HMI design • Engineering of automation solutions for the energy industry (onshore and offshore) • Planning and execution of engineering activities • Provide technical support for testing, installation, and commissioning activities The position involves assignments together with Norwegian and international customers and vendors. Travelling on site and offshore must be expected.

Qualifications for the role

  • Relevant education, e.g. bachelor or master’s degree. Relevant work experience can compensate for formal education
  • Interested to learn about automation and programming
  • 0-3 years’ experience relevant working experience
  • Experience from Norwegian energy industry

More about us
We can offer: • Excellent possibilities to learn and develop • Great colleagues and a good work environment • Challenging and varied tasks • Flexible working conditions The position is located at ABB in Stavanger Deadline: Septemeber 20th. ABB is a supplier of critical infrastructure. Personnel safety is therefore important to ABB and our customers. In collaboration with Meditor, ABB in Norway conducts background checks on candidates who receive offers of employment. This is to ensure compliance with ABB’s guidelines for recruitment and personnel safety, as well as compliance with legal requirements related to trade sanctions. Candidates will be asked to provide relevant information. We value people from different backgrounds. Apply today for your next career step within ABB and visit to learn about the impact of our solutions across the globe. #MyABBStory

Stavanger, Norway

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Meterbuen 33, 2740 Skovlunde

ABB er en førende global teknologivirksomhed, der styrker omstillingen af samfundet og industrien for at opnå en mere produktiv og bæredygtig fremtid. Ved at forbinde software med porteføljen af elektrificeringsprodukter, robotter, automation, motorer og frekvens-omformere, løfter ABB de teknologiske grænser op til nye højder.

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