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Chief Quantitative Analyst for Model Risk Management

Danske Bank

Do you have the motivation and skills to play an important role in the Credit Risk Model Validation team, a part of the Model Risk Management department in Danske Bank? And would you like to get a solid overview of risk management?
Do you have the motivation and skills to play an important role in the Credit Risk Model Validation team, a part of the Model Risk Management department in Danske Bank? And would you like to get a solid overview of risk management?

MRM plays an integrated and central part in Danske Banks' risk management by providing an independent view of how new and existing models are performing.

Currently, the 16 people in CRMV are responsible for credit risk models (LGD, PD, CF), IFRS9 and all credit decision models, but MRM covers all model areas in Danske Bank. MRM provides a lot of opportunities for both personal and professional development.

“We work by a high level of empowerment, so to a large extent, you will be able to influence and structure your workday and choose the tools and innovative approaches to model validation. And you will have the opportunity to work closely with colleagues in the entire MRM both in Vilnius and Copenhagen,”

Work across the function in Model Risk Management
As a member of CRMV, you will work in collaboration with a diverse and highly skilled group of colleagues across various functions in MRM and key stakeholders (model developers and model owners), advising on model design, implementation and performance. You will:

  • You will coordinate projects, where you also will play a focused participant in getting the work done
  • You will organize and run a comprehensive analysis of the specific models and data applied using applicable quantitative methods and tools
  • Assist less experienced colleagues on assignments/projects
  • Based on the data analysis, you will interpret the results and write your conclusions

Having concluded, you will report and present your findings together with colleagues to relevant stakeholders, including senior management, business units and the Danish FSA (the regulatory supervisor of Danske Bank Group). And gaining experience, you will provide input to the validation process to optimise this.

Can you handle data with high quality?
We are looking for you, who is a Team-oriented person with motivation and commitment to deliver high quality on time. You are able to encourage assignments and ensure a high-quality outcome.

Furthermore, we expect you to have experience applying your investigative skills, be proficient with data handling and be able to transform insights from statistical analysis into actionable findings – and we also hope, you bring to the team:

  • University degree in a quantitative field (e.g. mathematics, physics, economics, engineering, statistics)
  • Experience of validating IRB models, solid knowledge of the relevant regulation and ability to interpret the requirements
  • Minimum 6-7 years of model validation or model development experience, preferably using such analytical tools as Python and/or SQL
  • Throughout understanding of data quality and key sources of data
  • Upper-intermediate English, both spoken and written – and solid communication skills

You have an interest in – and can - motivate and guide less experienced colleagues, while you pay attention to detail. If you also have the ability to meet deadlines with tight time constraints, then we cannot wait to hear from you!

Caught your attention?
Feel free to contact me @LinkedIn Morten Gadegaard Jørgensen, Head of Credit Risk Model Validation at Danske Bank +45 29 28 28 62
We look forward to hearing from you!
Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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