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Are you looking for an exciting job opportunity in a warehouse Salling Group in Aarhus?


Are stability, responsibility and independence valued key points for you? Then you might be just right for the job! Flair is urgently looking for someone to join Salling Group as soon as possible.

Salling Group have multiple warehouses in Brabrand and the warehouses also consist of several departments, so we are searching for several profile types to fulfil these positions.

Department and job description
The departments include, but are not limited to, pick n' delivery and preparing pallets and packages leaving the warehouse You will be required to do physically demanding work, as the tasks involve heavy lifting and sorting the pallets before delivery.

About you:

  • You thrive with routine determined job tasks
  • You are ready for physical and demanding work
  • You are able to fluently communicate in English

What we can offer:

  • Opportunity to develop your own skills and competencies through work-experience and continuous training
  • A result-oriented work environment
  • Independent and cooperative work in a team where you are expected to manage your own routines and efficiency
  • A strong team spirit where socializing between colleagues is highly prioritized
  • A work environment where every worker feels welcome
  • We can offer day, evening and night shifts

The hourly rate is 134,92 DKK/hour, not including surcharges. Pension, holiday pay and sick leave pay is organized by Flair.

We recommend all qualified candidates to apply for the job today!

Please state the shifts you prefer to work on your application. Interviews/info meetings will be held throughout a longer period and is dependent on the demand. We will continuously be searching for more candidates who are ready to join us and Salling Group.

If you have any questions for the job position, please contact:

Staffing Consultant Ahmad Hamad on [email protected].

Oprettet: 06, september 2024

Lokation: Brabrand

Ansættelse: Snarest muligt

Jobreference: 215173

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Falkonér Alle 1, 2000 Frederiksberg

FLAIR (tidl. Addecco) er eksperter i vikariater og rekrutteringer. Vi matcher medarbejdere og virksomheder hver dag. Søger du job, vikar eller medarbejder. Vi står altid klar til at hjælpe.

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