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Data Scientist


Crediwire Copenhagen Full-time

Salary Competitive

Data Analyst @Crediwire
Crediwire is a FinTech company building and delivering data-driven and digital insights to Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), banks and auditors based on live bookkeeping data. Our vision is to deliver the best solutions for our customers for them to deliver higher operational efficiency and make better and more precise business decisions. We are data-driven and design our digital financial solutions together with our customers. We are growing our business internationally and hope you will join us on this journey.

Key Responsibilities
As a Data Analyst at Crediwire, you will play a pivotal role in our Product & Analytics department, taking on a diverse set of responsibilities that will challenge and engage you daily. Your primary duties will include continuously validating our data to ensure its accuracy and quality, which is crucial to the integrity of our analyses and products. You will conduct various data analyses, extracting meaningful insights that drive business decisions and inform product development.

You will also be instrumental in the creation of data-driven products, guiding the entire process from the initial idea through detailed analysis and specification, all the way to the final product delivery. You will participate in design-thinking sessions together with our customers. Additionally, you will analyze user data and generate reports that provide valuable feedback to our teams, helping to enhance the user experience and optimize our offerings. Maintaining and developing our analytical data infrastructure will be another key aspect of your role, ensuring that our systems are robust and scalable to meet the growing needs of the business.

Qualifications and Experience
Ideally we are looking for a candidate with the following qualifications and experience. However, you might not tick all boxes, but don’t hesitate to apply if you have the mindset and a willingess to learn.

Educational Background:

· A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Data Science, Statistics, Economics or a related field (e.g. Cand.Merc.IT, Cand.Merc.Mat).

Programming Skills:

· Experience with Python, SQL & Linux scripting.

· Experience with ETL (Extract, Transform, Load).

· Experience with Git for version control and collaboration.

· Familiarity with AWS Lambda and serverless architecture is a plus.

Analytical Skills:

· Strong analytical mindset with the ability to solve complex problems and work with large datasets.


Don’t hesitate to send us your application and CV.

For more information or questions please contact us at [email protected]

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Gothersgade 14 4, 1123 København K

Crediwire is a FinTech start-up based in the hart of Copenhagen. We are a team of highly professional and experienced; entrepreneurs, investment bankers, marketers, and developers. We reimagine financial experiences - that's why we get up in the morning.

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