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PhD Fellowship to Study Metabolic Control of Genome Integrity and DNA Replication in Early Development Mechanism and Cancer

Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Application deadline: 4 October 2024 at 23.59 hours local Danish time.
At the laboratory of Associate Professor Kumar Somyajit, we seek two highly motivated PhD students with strong background in molecular and cell biology and prime interest in cell cycle, genome maintenance, early development mechanisms, and quantitative imaging. Experience with CRISPR-based gene editing, optical microscopy, and quantitative skills are required. Previous work in the field of metabolism, genome integrity and epigenetics or/and experience in working on embryonic/adult stem cells are a plus.

The Somyajit lab, based at the Functional Genomics & Metabolism Research Unit at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, SDU, has a deep interest in studying regulatory foundations of the cell cycle, DNA replication, and genome surveillance in pathophysiology.

Application deadline: 4 October 2024.
Starting date: 1 November 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.
Duration: Three years as a PhD student and four years as 4+4 PhD student funded by the ERC starting grant.

Research Project and Role
DNA replication is essential for a cell to multiply and transfer genetic information to its daughters. However, a plethora of extrinsic and intrinsic factors challenge individual DNA replication forks and cause replication stress, a hallmark of all cancer types and a range of developmental disorders. Yet, we know very little about the mechanisms that align DNA replication activities to potentially harmful endogenous threats such as metabolic stress, and thereby limiting the detrimental consequences of abnormal DNA replication.

Recent studies by Kumar Somyajit have identified novel cell-intrinsic regulation(s) of DNA replication dynamics and replisome speed as a key genome surveillance mechanism in response to metabolic alterations (PMIDs: 29123070, 33621493, 33087936, 30566856).

As a PhD student in the Somyajit group, you will be engaged in a highly interdisciplinary project uncovering regulatory foundations of human DNA replication and genome protection by focusing on how active reorganization of the replisome motor is achieved in response to natural fluctuations in metabolic pathways inevitable during early development and cancer. You will combine advanced quantitative cell biology approaches such as quantitative-image-based-cytometry- QIBC, time-lapse microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, DNA fiber techniques, with classical genetics and biochemistry to reveal novel regulations of replisome velocity and identify how cancer-specific metabolic changes impact DNA replication speed, replisome integrity and cell cycle in human cells.

You will interact and collaborate closely with other researchers in the Somyajit group and with members of the different research groups within FGM and at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The Functional Genomics & metabolism Research Unit
The Somyajit group is located in the Functional Genomics & Metabolism Research Unit headed by Professor Susanne Mandrup at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, SDU. The research unit currently hosts nine independent research groups investigating on various aspects of functional genomics, chromatin biology, genome stability and cell cycle, and their interplay in cellular identity, differentiation, metabolism and disease suppression. The Research Unit constitutes an international, ambitious, highly dynamic, and well-equipped working environment. The unit and the department have state-of-the-art facilities for advanced bioimaging, quantitative mechanistic cell biology, next generation sequencing, single-cell transcriptomics, flow cytometry, mass spectrometry, metabolomics, and transgenic mouse work. Strategic research alliances exist with Odense University Hospital (OUH).

We are looking for highly motivated, dedicated, and ambitious candidates with:

  • A master’s degree in Life Science, preferably Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biomedicine (the 5+3 programme). Candidates who, in addition to their bachelor's degree, have passed 60 ECTS of their master’s programme by 1 September 1 2024, are invited to apply for a PhD scholarship within the 4+4 programme.
  • Curious mind-set with a strong interest in fundamental Cell cycle, DNA replication and Genome integrity.
  • Relevant laboratory experience in molecular cell biology and biochemistry
  • Know-how in Genome integrity field, stem cell culture, light microscopy, bioinformatics.
  • Strong communication and collaborative skills and an interest in working in an interdisciplinary environment.

Proficiency in spoken and written English.

Programme structure
A 5+3 PhD programme spans over three years (fully salaried), while the 4+4 programme runs for a period of four years. If enrolled in the 4+4 programme, your will be enrolled in the PhD programme and the master’s programme parallel to each other. During this period, the pay will consist of the Danish Student Allowance (SU), if you are eligible, and a supplementary salary for job assignments. After completing the master’s degree, you will enter a fully salaried PhD scholarship for the remaining two years.

PhD candidates follow an individual PhD plan including course work, conference participation, and teaching. One semester is typically spent at another research institution - often abroad. The scholarship carries a monthly salary including pension plus office facilities and financial support for conference travels and research visits abroad.

For further information please contact Kumar Somyajit ([email protected]).

Application, salary etc.
Appointment as a PhD Research Fellow is for three (students who have completed their MSc) or four years (students who have not yet completed their MSc). The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the agreement on salaried PhD scholars between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations). Please check links for more information on salary (only available in Danish) and taxation.

The successful candidate will be enrolled at this university in accordance with faculty regulations and the Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities (PhD order).

Further information about the PhD-study can be found at the homepage of the University.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Application must be in English and made in the form of a Declaration of Interest including the following:

  • A letter stating your specific interest, motivation, and qualifications for the project in question (max. two pages).
  • Detailed CV, including personal contact information.
  • Copies of diplomas, Bachelor as well as Master’s degree, including transcript of notes/grades.

At least two signed reference letters. Should your referees wish to send their letters directly to us, please have them use e-mail: [email protected] mentioning your name and the title of the position in the subject line. And please note that these also need to reach us before deadline.

Shortlisting may be used in the assessment process.

Applications must be submitted electronically using the link "Apply now". Attached files must be in Adobe PDF format. We strongly recommend that you read How to apply for a position at SDU before you apply.

Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will neither be considered nor evaluated. This also applies to reference letters.

Further information for international applicants about entering and working in Denmark.

Placering: Odense, Denmark

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Application deadline 04 October 2024
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Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

SDU åbnede dørene for de første studerende i Odense i september 1966, og siden da er det gået stærkt. Vi har nu fem fakulteter med omkring 30.000 studerende, heraf mere end 15 % fra udlandet, og knap 4.000 ansatte fordelt på hovedcampus i Odense samt regionale campusser i Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg og Sønderborg og København.

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