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SAS - Scandinavian Airlines System

City: Kastrup

Job Function: IT

System Specialist– Human Resources IT
SAS Digital & IT is responsible for all IT within Scandinavian Airlines. The business unit Corporate Solutions IT is responsible for providing and improving all IT services necessary for Human resources, Finance & Sourcing and Data Control. SAS Digital & IT are transforming into an agile business driven, technology enabled team aiming to create a Digital First airline taking a lead in sustainable aviation.

The System Specialist has the operational responsibility for defined parts of the IT-services in a service area and works as a member of a Service Delivery Team/Value Stream. The System Specialist will be the 1st point of contact for defined business users/operational users of the IT-services, and corresponding contact against external/internal IT-suppliers. The System Specialist will ensure that the operational delivery of the IT-services is according to agreements and business needs. The System Specialist will also, proactively and in close cooperation with the business representatives and the IT-suppliers, support further business process development and ensure continuous improvement of the IT-services.

As a System Specialist at SAS you will:
• Support the business in process development and lean process improvements,
• Support business representatives in describing and specifying requirements,
• Describe business requirement to IT specific solutions/enhancements in accordance with procedure agreements with IT suppliers,
• Analyze issues and problems in the delivery of the IT-services, report errors to the supplier, verify solutions and ensure documentation,
• Implement changes, order change requests and secure plans for delivery of changes,
• Act as 1st point of contact for business users/operational users and for external/internal IT suppliers or IT services,
• Represent and participate in regular meetings and follow up with SAS IT and external system providers,
• Support the IT-suppliers with knowledge and guidance regarding SAS IT standards and policies,
• Responsible 1st point of contact for external/internal IT-suppliers of the IT-services
• Responsible for regular meetings and follow up with business representatives and IT-suppliers regarding:
- status of service delivery for the defined IT-services
- plans for improvements of the defined IT-services
• Responsible for supporting the IT-suppliers with knowledge and guidance regarding:
- SAS IT-environment and integrations to other applications and IT-suppliers
- SAS IT-policies/standards
- Business impact of disturbances in the service delivery
• Responsible for supporting the business in process development and lean process improvements, and for enabling and supporting simple and efficient use and utilization of IT among business users
• Responsible for supporting development in the Service area:
- Providing IT-requirements
- Supporting business requirements
- Providing knowledge support to the IT-suppliers
- Ensuring that deliveries are according to specifications and SAS IT-policies and standards

To be successful, we believe you should have:
• Minimum 3 years of relevant work experience after completed studies
• Experience of Success Factor, SAP HR and related systems, including integrated payroll areas.
• Understanding of the HR business area, including processes, functional requirements, business applications, vendors and interfaces
• Ability to translate business needs into IT requirements and specifications
• Ability to communicate and collaborate with both business stakeholders and IT providers
• Ability to analyze and structure problems and issues and come up with working solutions
• Strong ownership, drive and sense of purpose
• Strive for continuous improvement and adaptation of services
• Fluent English in speech and writing

For this position we are looking to hire to one of our offices in either Denmark or Sweden. If you feel inspired by the position and feel this is the right challenge for your career, we are looking forward to receiving your application and CV! Selection and interviews will take place on an ongoing basis, so do not wait to apply last application (2024-09-22). If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact [email protected]

We engage a Digital First mindset, encouraging a fail fast, learn fast environment with cross functional and agile teams focusing on fast delivery, quick iterations, and collaboration. We develop in-house products with usage of modern, innovative technologies allowing for freedom to bring in own ideas and creating a real impact. We offer an exciting setting surrounded by industry talent, where you are encouraged to challenge the status quo while simultaneously getting the support you need to develop your desired skills and expertise. If this sounds appealing, we believe that SAS is the right place for you.


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SAS - Scandinavian Airlines System

Amager Strandvej 392, 2770 Kastrup

SAS offers the most departures and has an attractive offering for people who travel frequently to, from and within Scandinavia. SAS conducted more than 800 scheduled flights daily in FY 2018, and a total of more than 30 million passengers traveled to SAS’ 125 destinations and on charter flights in Europe, the US and Asia.

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