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Senior Data Engineer to drive our data journey into the future

Danske Bank

A normal workday for our data engineer will consist of working with your team of data- and business experts ensuring our data are enabled across the bank and adhere to Danske Bank technical frameworks. This will enable us to deliver on high quality customer products as well as enable us to become more digital as considering the Forward ’28 strategy.
The Personal Customers business unit in Danske Bank is standing in front of a large transformation spanning multiple areas across the business all of which are heavily reliant on a solid, sustainable and secure data foundation. This data foundation will be instrumental for the bank in reaching the strategic Forward’28 goals promised to the market in 2023 all meant to ensure a better banking experience and better banking products across all of our customers.

The Customer Engagement Individuals tribe exists with the customer at the centre of everything. The tribe has ownership of key customer facing systems spanning across Danske Bank’s channels and capabilities. The Tribe consists of a wide range of profiles (Data Analysts, Data Engineers, Business Functional Specialists, Architects, UI/UX Designers and much more) and nationalities (Nordics wide, Lithuania, Indian & more.) which we leverage to ensure solutions are the best they can be for our customers.

You will be joining the Customer Engagement Individuals Tribe and gain approximately 140 colleagues where you will be a part one of the data squads in charge of enabling the data across the Personal Customers domain and help enable Danske Bank get ready for the next generation of banking services. This will first and foremost be achieved through creation of the foundational data elements underpinning banking services on our scalable data platform. Data engineering will therefore be a significant enabler of the strategy and allow for commercial teams to develop data products and system owners to trust they receive high quality data enabling their required downstream functionality.

A normal workday for our data engineer will consist of working with your team of data- and business experts ensuring our data are enabled across the bank and adhere to Danske Bank technical frameworks. This will enable us to deliver on high quality customer products as well as enable us to become more digital as considering the Forward ’28 strategy. Also it will consist of building the back-end pipelines ensuring seamless data transfers through a range of methodologies like event-driven transfer for near real time downstream analytics and functionality and more classical API transfers.

As Senior Data Engineer you will:

  • Develop data pipelines including collection, ingestion, cleaning, transformation & loading
  • Ensure data is efficiently moved, stored, organised, accessible & scalable within the group wide technical landscape
  • Ensure sufficient and coherent documentation and reporting.
  • Work closely together with system & data owners to enable data across throughout the data landscape
  • Work with other business areas across Personal Customers to ensure bank wide data availability.
  • Align data to the bank’s regulatory, governance, security & management frameworks to ensure E2E compliant data.
  • Be expected to help colleagues and yourself to learn and grow in the roles and adopt new technologies as the technical landscape changes.

What we imagine you bring;
We see you have extensive experience with Data Engineering from previous roles, and have worked with E2E data pipelining including ETL processes. Also, experience with security, compliance, risk, load & general financial services data.

Furthermore you

  • Have proven proficiencies in database management. Could both be relational like MySQL or PostgreSQL, or NoSQL databases.
  • Have experience with integration tools are a must. Examples include Apache Kafka, Apache NiFi or Cloud based solutions like AWS Glue or Azure Data Factory
  • Have experience with cloud vendors and data platforms are a must, big data technologies are a plus.
  • Applicants must demonstrate advanced proficiency in Git for sophisticated version control and in-depth expertise in DevOps practices to lead initiatives in continuous integration/delivery and optimize team collaboration.
  • Are fluent in written and spoken English
  • Are based in Denmark, as we do not offer re-location package.

What we offer
As a modern workplace, our employees can use our offers such as canteen, fitness centre, sport club and much more. You will also benefit from a highly attractive benefits package offering health and dental insurance, pension and other benefits. You will have flexible work hours, 6 weeks of vacation and 5 care days to ensure your work-life balance.

Uniqueness is powerful-we welcome everyone in Danske Bank.

Would you like to join us
We will conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so if this has piqued your interest, don't hesitate to apply as soon as possible.

Should you need more information about the position, please reach out to:

Jan Baungaard, [email protected] - LinkedIn
Mikkel Winther, [email protected] - LinkedIn

Jægergårdsgade 101B, st.
8000 Århus C

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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