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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in NeuroImaging and Deep Learning

Region Hovedstaden

Are you interested in developing clinically relevant tools and working with one of the largest clinical MR databases of its kind in epilepsy?

Assessment of the brain through MRI is a key facet in the clinical investigation of epilepsy patients. The identification of brain abnormalities is directly related to the clinical decisions regarding medication and surgery. However, the assessment of MR images requires specialized knowledge and training and important signs can be missed or misinterpreted even by experienced neuroradiologists.

The BrainDrugs consortium ( is looking for a talented postdoctoral researcher to work on improving the current state-of-the art automatic detection of brain abnormalities in epilepsy and to develop models to assist diagnosis. The project will particularly focus on tackling abnormalities in MR of clinical quality. You will work in close collaboration with expert clinicians in epilepsy and will be well positioned to deliver a clinically relevant impact. Beyond the main project, you will also provide technical support to clinicians in their respective research.

The position is with the Neurobiology Research Unit ( at Copenhagen University Hospital/Rigshospitalet, which is located in Copenhagen, Denmark (ranked the world's second most liveable city for a third consecutive year). The main supervisors will be Associate Professor Melanie Ganz and Professor Gitte Moos Knudsen, University of Copenhagen which is ranked the 4th best university in continental Europe.


  • PhD in Neuroimaging, Medical Imaging or equivalent.
  • Established expertise in deep learning models applied to medical imaging.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively within a team.
  • Knowledge regarding epilepsy, natural language process, and the Danish language is a plus.

We offer
The Neurobiology Research Unit (NRU) is part of Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet. At NRU, we conduct pioneering translational neuroscience research aimed at advancing preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic solutions for brain disorders. Our work involves a blend of neuropsychological and behavioral assessments, advanced imaging techniques (MRI, PET, SPECT, EEG), and innovative neuropharmacological studies. We collaborate closely with hospital clinics, academia, and industry to ensure our research has immediate, real-world impact. This offers the possibility to engage in collaborative projects that span multiple disciplines, offering a rich and stimulating research experience. Additionally, we provide a supportive and enriching environment for postdoctoral researchers, fostering professional growth and development. Finally, NRU has its own new brain research dedicated 3T MR-scanner, and a mock-up MR scanner facility, both located close to other NRU facilities.

Salary and terms of employment
The terms of employment and salary are in accordance with the agreement between Danish Regions and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the Regions. If approved by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, a special tax scheme is offered for researchers recruited abroad, see

The period of employment is 2 years, starting January 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter according to mutual agreement.

The application shall be submitted in English and include a CV, a short motivation letter (maximum 1 page), a copy of the doctoral certificate or letter signed by the promoter that a doctoral certificate is expected in due time, a publication list, and a maximum number of three scientific publications, at least two of which are international journal articles. Teaching portfolio and references can also be included, if available.

Please note that applications will be assessed based on these mandatory enclosures. Applicants cannot expect any additional documentation to be taken into account in the assessment.

After the expiry of the deadline for applications, applicants will be selected for interviews. NRU wishes to encourage everyone interested in this position to apply, regardless of personal background.

Further information
For further information, please contact Associate Professor Melanie Ganz (email: [email protected]) or Professor Gitte Moos Knudsen (email: [email protected]).

Application deadline
The deadline for applications including enclosures is October 31st 2024 (at midnight 23:59 Danish Time).

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Blegdamsvej 9, København Ø

Lokation: Rigshospitalet - Blegdamsvej

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Region Hovedstaden

Kongens Vænge 2, 3400 Hillerød

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