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Chapter Lead for Data Integration

Danske Bank

The Data Platform Tribe within Technology Services / Data & Functions at Danske Bank provides centralized Data Warehouse, enterprise reporting, and analytics services across multiple banking domains.
The Data Platform Tribe within Technology Services / Data & Functions at Danske Bank provides centralized Data Warehouse, enterprise reporting, and analytics services across multiple banking domains.

The Data Integration Squad:

  • Integrates and sources data from various systems across the bank.
  • Is responsible for overseeing the transition from batch processing to event-driven architecture.
  • Maintains ongoing dialogue with all business units to ensure alignment and collaboration.
  • Has an integral part in the transformation by leading the development of a new data platform.
  • Is responsible for overseeing and enhancing the integrity and quality of data on the new platform.

As a Chapter Lead, you will partner closely with the Product Owner in a “2 in a box” model, ensuring the squad operates efficiently using agile methodologies. You will guide the implementation strategies—the “how” of task execution. Your role will focus on transforming our current federated data platform into a new, event-driven solution, enhancing both on-premises and cloud integrations as part of our F28 Strategy.

You are an innovative and experienced leader with deep domain expertise and a motivation for coaching and developing others. You will serve as a “player & coach,” spending approximately 50% of your time managing your Chapter, and the remaining 50% as a doer in a Squad delivering value by completing work.

You will:

  • Lead the transformation from a batch processing framework to an event-driven data platform, ensuring a smooth and effective transition
  • Serve as the HR manager for a team of skilled software engineers, overseeing their professional growth and personal development through performance evaluations, training programs, and recruitment initiatives
  • Guarantee that all implementations adhere to our architectural guidelines and maintain the highest standards of the bank’s best practices
  • Work closely with other Chapter Leads within your tribe to fulfill leadership duties and solve challenges collaboratively

About you:

  • Minimum of 4 years of experience in data modeling within a Data Platform
  • Proven leadership experience in a similar role
  • Demonstrated expertise in transitioning from batch processing to an event-driven data platform, and transitioning from an on-premises data warehouse to a cloud-based solution
  • Proven experience in handling financial data
  • Solid understanding and practical experience with PubSub and Kafka streaming services
  • Upper-Intermediate English language skills

We offer:
Please be informed that if the position will be hired in Lithuania, the monthly salary range will be from 3440 EUR to 5160 EUR gross (based on your competencies relevant for the job).

See all the benefits HERE.
Your title in job contract will be Squad Leader (Chapter Lead).

If you're interested in this role and joining my team, feel free to contact me.

Christina Kjær
[email protected]


Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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