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Software Engineer (.NET) @ Securities Deal Capture

Danske Bank

The team you will join is responsible for developing and maintaining the internal Danske Bank trading platform. You will develop and operate Danske Banks’ mission-critical trading systems.
The team you will join is responsible for developing and maintaining the internal Danske Bank trading platform. You will develop and operate Danske Banks’ mission-critical trading systems.

Our team comprises nine amazing developers (will be 10 with you), a Product Owner and a support specialist. We are a team of passionate developers and in our daily work, we always aim for simplicity, efficiency and try to be at forefront of technology. Part of the team is in Denmark, part is in Lithuania. Now we’re looking for new a colleague in Denmark.

Technologies we use include C#, SQL Server, Kafka, k8s, private cloud, Azure DevOps, and Terraform.

Beside work in a friendly environment, you will:

  • Develop and operate mission-critical trading systems
  • Integrate our systems with exchanges and electronic trading platforms
  • Design and implement high-performance distributed systems
  • Investigate requirements and implement required features (requested by businesses, other tribes or regulations)
  • Assist with supporting the system, analysing and resolving incidents
  • Participate in scrum meetings and in technical discussions

A collaborative mindset
We imagine you have 2+ years of C# programming experience and a solid understanding of algorithms and data structures.

Furthermore, you bring;

  • SQL skills
  • Experience with API design
  • Understanding of distributed system development
  • Skills in CI/CD
  • Great English language skills

Valuable asset:

  • Skills in Linux, Docker
  • WPF and C++ skills

*Depending on your experience and knowledge, we may offer you different seniority in the role.

What we offer
As a modern workplace, our employees can use our offers such as canteen, fitness centre, sport club and much more. You will also benefit from a highly attractive benefits package offering health and dental insurance, pension and other benefits. You will have flexible work hours, 6 weeks of vacation and 5 care days to ensure your work-life balance.

Would you like to join us
We will conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so if this has piqued your interest, don't hesitate to apply as soon as possible.

Should you need more information about the position, please reach out to Vladimir Macan via email; [email protected]

Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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