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External Lecturer – 'Computer Graphics: Programming 3D Applications’ – DIS Copenhagen

DIS, Danish Institute for Study Abroad

DIS Copenhagen is seeking an External Lecturer to teach highly motivated American university students who are spending a semester studying in Copenhagen, Denmark. The course 'Computer Graphics: Programming 3D Applications' focuses on teaching the fundamentals and advanced techniques of 3D graphics programming using modern web-based APIs, providing hands-on learning experiences and integrating theory with practice through lab exercises and a final project, preparing students to develop interactive 3D web applications.

Read more about the 'Computer Graphics: Programming 3D Applications' course here


  • Revise and finalize the course syllabus in collaboration with DIS staff
  • Teach 23 lectures (80 minutes each) and lead 2 Field Studies (4 hours each) per semester that incorporate interactive, experiential learning techniques and hands-on activities
  • Assess, grade, and provide feedback on student performance
  • Participate in faculty development workshops and meetings to refine pedagogical practices

Relevant Skills and Knowledge

  • Higher degree in Computer Science or related field (M.S. or Ph.D.) and hands-on expertise within the field of the course
  • Excellent academic English and capable of teaching in English
  • Open to pedagogical support from DIS and capable of incorporating our interactive and hands-on teaching philosophy into teaching practice
  • Experience in creating a structured and interactive learning environment is an advantage
  • Interest in instructing undergraduate-level students from North American institutions
  • Ability to be legally employed in Denmark (this position does not come with a work visa)

Start Date
The spring semester runs January 16, 2025 - May 7, 2025. Training and onboarding before the semester start is planned on an individual basis (it will begin by the end of fall 2024).

The course is offered to students twice a year: fall term (mid-August to mid-December) and spring term (mid-January to mid-May).

Student Profile & Teaching at DIS
Teaching at DIS requires creativity and flexibility. Faculty prioritize bringing course material to life through interactive, experiential learning, and are communicative and engaged with their students. Students are typically in their third year of university. Courses are all taught in English. Pedagogical support, training, and mentorship is available at DIS through the Learning Lab and experienced faculty; faculty are encouraged to collaborate with academic support staff in various professional development opportunities.

DIS Work Values & Styles

  • Cross-cultural learning
  • Independence and initiative
  • Communication
  • Creativity in the classroom
  • Professional development and relationship-building
  • Friendly work environment
  • High-quality support & resources for faculty
  • Collaborative co-working spaces and environment

Application Process
If you are interested in applying, submit a CV/resume and application cover letter, addressing the professional competencies above, in English using the link. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. For additional information, please send an email to [email protected].

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Location: Vestergade, 7, 1456, København, Denmark

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DIS, Danish Institute for Study Abroad

Vestergade 5-7, 1456 København K

DIS er en visionær organisation, der tilbyder undervisere og medarbejdere et udfordrende arbejdsmiljø, hvor der er fokus på tværkulturel forståelse, teamwork og innovation.

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