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Student Worker to Project Development

Vattenfall A/S


About the job
We are looking for a Student Worker to come and work in Vattenfall’s Offshore Development team to assist the Project Development team. The role will be mainly based in Vattenfall’s Kolding office but with flexibility including working from home. This position will be a great opportunity for someone who is interested in offshore wind and the renewable energy sector to get some first-hand experience.

As this role will be open to students only it is expected that a successful candidate would be able to work 10 – 15 hours per week.

Your responsibilities as a Student Worker, Project Development will include:

  • Managing variety of department meetings through Operational Rhythm Calendar in Outlook
  • Monthly maintenance of corporate organization chart via Visio
  • Helping with development and updates on our internal SharePoint sites
  • Managing permissions and permission groups using Microsoft Azure
  • Preparing detailed onboarding material for newly hired employees
  • Supporting with various administrative tasks whenever needed.
  • Continuously develop smarter ways of working, for example through templates
  • Opportunity to work on other projects with Office 365 tools

Your profile
Your skillset should include:

  • You must be at the start or during your Bachelor studies
  • Be interested in offshore wind and renewable energy
  • Have good communicational and problem-solving skills
  • Be fluent in English
  • Have the openness and ability to be a smart-learner and willing to look for “train-your-self” platforms in order to get the knowledge. Willingness to learn and improve.
  • Technical knowledge of Office 365 tools (PowerPoint, Excel, Visio, Word) and SharePoint are preferred (but not required..)
  • The ability to build trust and to be a team player in an international team
  • Can go to our Kolding offices in person approx. 1 day a week in order to coordinate with your contact persons

Additional information
Location: Kolding

Start date: 01.01.2025.
However, we would like you to have an overlap of 1-2 months with our current student worker to facilitate a thorough introduction to the current working tasks. Therefore you should be able to start already Beginning of October or November 2024 (combination of virtual and physical meetings).

More information:
For more information about the position you are welcome to contact Internal Project Management Officer, Pernille Hagemann [email protected].

Pre employment screening is part of the recruitment process.

Our organisation:
Energy is our contribution to quality of life – day after day. With around 20,000 colleagues Vattenfall provides comprehensive electricity and heating offerings to several million customers in northern Europe. For the work ahead we need people who are fully dedicated to our customers and to a sustainable society – people like you.

Business Area Wind is responsible for Vattenfall’s Onshore and Offshore Wind as well as other non-hydro Renewable activities like solar PV and batteries. Today we develop, construct and operate wind generation in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. In addition, we have a clear strategy to develop our solar PV and battery operations further.

At Vattenfall, we are convinced that striving for diversity helps building a more profitable, efficient and attractive company. Therefore we seek a harmonious balance of employees in terms of age, religion, gender identity & expression, sexual identity, disability and ethnic background.

We look forward to your application!

About the company
Vattenfall is a European energy company with approximately 20 000 employees. For more than 100 years we have electrified industries, supplied energy to people’s homes and modernized our way of living through innovation and cooperation. We now want to make fossil-free living possible within one generation. To be able to reach this ambitious goal we are looking for talented individuals who, in addition to their passion for their own role, also have strong team spirit and want to contribute to supporting a meaningful corporate mission.

Business Area Wind is responsible for Vattenfall’s Onshore and Offshore Wind as well as other non-hydro Renewable activities like solar PV and batteries. Today we develop, construct and operate wind generation in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. In addition, we have a clear strategy to develop our solar PV and battery operations further.

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Vattenfall A/S

Juptervej 6, 6000 Kolding

Vattenfall er et europæisk energiselskab med ca. 20.000 medarbejdere. I mere end 100 år har vi elektrificeret industrier, leveret energi til menneskers hjem og moderniseret vores måde at leve på gennem innovation og samarbejde. Vi vil nu gøre det muligt at leve fossilfrit inden for én generation.

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