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Project Engagement Manager - Asia

Red Barnet

Are you interested to work with a global child right organisation? And are you ready to engage with countries in Asia to manage and develop the portfolio?

The Project Engagement Manager (PEM) works on day-to-day programmatic and donor contract management between Save the Children Denmark and the project teams in country offices in Asia. The PEM ensures close coordination and monitoring of programme implementation, compliance and reporting on assigned projects and contributes to new project design processes. The PEM also administers the development and successful implementation of work plans and oversees document submission, reporting and other deliverables in a timely and accurate manner. The PEM ensures that efficient systems are in place to support all aspects of project activities, including financial and grants/sub-grants management, project monitoring, and evaluation, and works to ensure the effective use of resources in compliance with SC and donor regulations.

The role holder will be responsible for:

  • Management of assigned projects:
    • Collaborating with country offices on all aspects of project cycle management on assigned projects.
    • Monitoring progress towards achieving results.
    • Capturing and sharing key lessons from assigned projects, including communication and visibility.
    • Ensuring contract compliance for the grant throughout reporting cycles and closeout.
    • Performing quality assurance/quality control on funding proposals, reports, modification requests, and other significant correspondence with donors
  • Management of donor relations:
    • Contribute to the development of funding proposals.
    • Coordinate and develop a combined communications and visibility plan.
    • Collaborate around specific engagements with companies and foundations.


  • International project cycle management experience, and documented experience from writing proposals and managing projects and donor contracts. Concrete, first-hand and significant experience with Danida, private foundations and the EU is desirable.
  • Experience working with aid programming in at least one (preferably more) of the following areas: education (including education in emergencies), child protection, MHPSS, climate change, local leadership and contextual analysis of the conditions for children and youth.
  • Financial literacy: Strong ability to develop, read, understand and revise budgets.
  • Superior English writing skills and ability to formulate quality proposals and presentations.
  • Proven success of involvement and/or performing quality assurance/quality control on funding proposals and reports.
  • Some operational field experience and experience travelling to country offices and/or project implementation sites
  • Understanding of the specific needs and rights of children in fragile and development settings.
  • Demonstrated experience successfully applying above-listed skills for at least two years.

We think you are a strong team worker who likes to engage with countries and other colleagues and pro-actively engage with all stakeholders in the assigned projects.

Save the Children Denmark employs a hybrid working model to offer its employees flexibility regarding location of execution of work. Accordingly, as an employee, you can work from home during the week if the work allows it and in agreement with your manager.

You will be employed according to the terms and conditions of the local Collective Agreement between Red Barnet and the relevant unions. Employment and salary follow SCD’s present terms and conditions. There can be expected travel activities around 2-3 weeks annually.

Deadline for applications is

Sunday 29th September (23:59 o'clock - Copenhagen time)
. Interviews will be held the following weeks.

Are you interested to work with a global child right organisation? And are you ready to engage with countries in Asia to manage and develop the portfolio?

The Project Engagement Manager (PEM) works on day-to-day programmatic and donor contract management between Save the Children Denmark and the project teams in country offices in Asia. The PEM ensures close coordination and monitoring of programme implementation, compliance and reporting on assigned projects and contributes to new project design processes. The PEM also administers the development and successful implementation of work plans and oversees document submission, reporting and other deliverables in a timely and accurate manner. The PEM ensures that efficient systems are in place to support all aspects of project activities, including financial and grants/sub-grants management, project monitoring, and evaluation, and works to ensure the effective use of resources in compliance with SC and donor regulations.

The role holder will be responsible for:

  • Management of assigned projects:
    • Collaborating with country offices on all aspects of project cycle management on assigned projects.
    • Monitoring progress towards achieving results.
    • Capturing and sharing key lessons from assigned projects, including communication and visibility.
    • Ensuring contract compliance for the grant throughout reporting cycles and closeout.
    • Performing quality assurance/quality control on funding proposals, reports, modification requests, and other significant correspondence with donors
  • Management of donor relations:
    • Contribute to the development of funding proposals.
    • Coordinate and develop a combined communications and visibility plan.
    • Collaborate around specific engagements with companies and foundations.


  • International project cycle management experience, and documented experience from writing proposals and managing projects and donor contracts. Concrete, first-hand and significant experience with Danida, private foundations and the EU is desirable.
  • Experience working with aid programming in at least one (preferably more) of the following areas: education (including education in emergencies), child protection, MHPSS, climate change, local leadership and contextual analysis of the conditions for children and youth.
  • Financial literacy: Strong ability to develop, read, understand and revise budgets.
  • Superior English writing skills and ability to formulate quality proposals and presentations.
  • Proven success of involvement and/or performing quality assurance/quality control on funding proposals and reports.
  • Some operational field experience and experience travelling to country offices and/or project implementation sites
  • Understanding of the specific needs and rights of children in fragile and development settings.
  • Demonstrated experience successfully applying above-listed skills for at least two years.

We think you are a strong team worker who likes to engage with countries and other colleagues and pro-actively engage with all stakeholders in the assigned projects.

Save the Children Denmark employs a hybrid working model to offer its employees flexibility regarding location of execution of work. Accordingly, as an employee, you can work from home during the week if the work allows it and in agreement with your manager.

You will be employed according to the terms and conditions of the local Collective Agreement between Red Barnet and the relevant unions. Employment and salary follow SCD’s present terms and conditions. There can be expected travel activities around 2-3 weeks annually.

Deadline for applications is

Sunday 29th September (23:59 o'clock - Copenhagen time)
. Interviews will be held the following weeks.

Department: Gammel Kongevej 60 , Frederiksberg C

Location: DK - København

Application deadline: 29 Sep 2024

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Application deadline 29 September 2024
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Red Barnet

Rosenørns Allé 12, 1634 København V

Red Barnet arbejder i Danmark og flere end 120 andre lande. Vi redder børns liv. Vi beskytter og styrker dem. Vi kæmper for deres rettigheder. Vi er Save the Children – verdens førende uafhængige organisation for børn.

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