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Institut for Menneskerettigheder

As Director for the “Human Rights, Africa” department you will lead a team of approximately eight professionals based in Copenhagen and oversee the Danish Institute for Human Rights’ operations in Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and the Ivory Coast. This includes the direct management of around 20 colleagues working in these countries.

You will be a member of the international management team, reporting directly to the International Director. We are seeking a colleague with strategic insight into human rights challenges, proven experience in operational management of programs and projects, and a genuine interest in people and leadership. Your role will involve contributing to the implementation of the Institute’s strategy within both the geographic and thematic areas under your department. This includes collaboration with partners—both state and non-state actors—in various African countries, as well as developing relevant themes such as gender, the rule of law, security, and human rights.

Our approach prioritizes our partners, and we implement projects in close cooperation with them, responding to their needs and requests within the project frameworks. This requires contextual knowledge and a robust national presence in the countries where we work. As Department Director, you will support and advise our national colleagues, who often operate in challenging environments due to complex security or political situations.

You will be responsible for managing the department’s entire project portfolio, including overseeing work plans, budgets, outcomes, and fundraising efforts, as well as ensuring the well-being and development of your team.

We are looking for applicants who have experience with creating a supportive and collaborative work culture, including across cultures. We encourage applications from individuals who value the expertise of others, and who can contribute on their own.

In addition, we are looking for candidates with:

  • A master’s degree in international law or a related field
  • At least 10 years of experience in human rights, good governance, the rule of law, and development cooperation, along with experience in team management
  • Strong conceptual and analytical skills, with the ability to translate policies, norms, and standards into practical action
  • A talent for people management and leadership, with a collaborative team-oriented mindset
  • The ability to build trust and adapt to diverse country contexts and stakeholders
  • A keen interest in fundraising to support the cause of human rights
  • Experience working with donors, such as the EU and MFA DK
  • Fluency in English, with proficiency in Danish and French being highly desirable

Your duty station will be Copenhagen, and you must be ready to engage in international travel.

Salary is at Chief Advisor level with the possibility to negotiate individual supplements in accordance with an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC).

Please submit your application, CV, and relevant diplomas no later than 30 September 2024 using the link on this page.

The Institute strives to achieve diversity in its staff composition and therefore invites all qualified candidates to apply.

International Director, Mette Thygesen, at [email protected] or +45 91 32 56 42.

As Director for the “Human Rights, Africa” department you will lead a team of approximately eight professionals based in Copenhagen and oversee the Danish Institute for Human Rights’ operations in Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and the Ivory Coast. This includes the direct management of around 20 colleagues working in these countries.

You will be a member of the international management team, reporting directly to the International Director. We are seeking a colleague with strategic insight into human rights challenges, proven experience in operational management of programs and projects, and a genuine interest in people and leadership. Your role will involve contributing to the implementation of the Institute’s strategy within both the geographic and thematic areas under your department. This includes collaboration with partners—both state and non-state actors—in various African countries, as well as developing relevant themes such as gender, the rule of law, security, and human rights.

Our approach prioritizes our partners, and we implement projects in close cooperation with them, responding to their needs and requests within the project frameworks. This requires contextual knowledge and a robust national presence in the countries where we work. As Department Director, you will support and advise our national colleagues, who often operate in challenging environments due to complex security or political situations.

You will be responsible for managing the department’s entire project portfolio, including overseeing work plans, budgets, outcomes, and fundraising efforts, as well as ensuring the well-being and development of your team.

We are looking for applicants who have experience with creating a supportive and collaborative work culture, including across cultures. We encourage applications from individuals who value the expertise of others, and who can contribute on their own.

In addition, we are looking for candidates with:

  • A master’s degree in international law or a related field
  • At least 10 years of experience in human rights, good governance, the rule of law, and development cooperation, along with experience in team management
  • Strong conceptual and analytical skills, with the ability to translate policies, norms, and standards into practical action
  • A talent for people management and leadership, with a collaborative team-oriented mindset
  • The ability to build trust and adapt to diverse country contexts and stakeholders
  • A keen interest in fundraising to support the cause of human rights
  • Experience working with donors, such as the EU and MFA DK
  • Fluency in English, with proficiency in Danish and French being highly desirable

Your duty station will be Copenhagen, and you must be ready to engage in international travel.

Salary is at Chief Advisor level with the possibility to negotiate individual supplements in accordance with an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC).

Please submit your application, CV, and relevant diplomas no later than 30 September 2024 using the link on this page.

The Institute strives to achieve diversity in its staff composition and therefore invites all qualified candidates to apply.

International Director, Mette Thygesen, at [email protected] or +45 91 32 56 42.

Wilders Plads 8K, København K

Application deadline: 30 Sep 2024

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Application deadline 30 September 2024
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Institut for Menneskerettigheder

Wilders Plads 8K, 1403 København K

Institut for Menneskerettigheder er en selvejende statsinstitution. Vi har mandat til at fremme og beskytte menneskerettigheder og ligebehandling i Danmark og i udlandet.

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