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PSN Integrated Protection Assistant (Social worker) 2 Positions.

Dansk Flygtningehjælp

PSN Integrated Protection Assistant (Social worker) 2 Positions.

Overall purpose of the role: Integrated social worker is responsible for the implementation of activities under one or more of the following sectors: community-based rehabilitation, social protection of People with specific Needs, support to PSN committees, community engagement, distribution of NFIs, and PSN case management.

Employment category: national contract, Grade I

Reporting to: Integrated Protection Team Leader [PSN TL]

Technical line manager: Protection Coordinator

Unit/department: Protection

Location: Nduta/Nyarugusu

Responsibilities: (in bullet points)

  • Conducting needs assessments of PSN and making sure that the appropriate support is provided.
  • Train community structures PWDs and OPCs on identified needs and agreed modules.
  • Conduct home visits, outreach, and risk assessment, and make sure that protection solution is done for assigned zones and proper reporting of PSN protection at the camp level.
  • Ensure that PSN Safeguarding standards are considered in all activities
  • Facilitate various sensitization campaigns and awareness-raising sessions with PSN.
  • Participate in community engagement meetings such as Town hall meetings, and monthly community leaders with partners meetings, and ensure PSN rights are mainstreamed.
  • Conduct follow-up to PSN survivors of violence, abuse, and neglect and make sure that PSNs are living a well and dignified life.
  • Facilitate the identification and linking of PSN with dietary diversification needs to the Kitchen Gardening program.
  • Conducting feedback sharing meetings with the PSN committee on issues affecting PSN in their zones and following up on raised concerns with appropriate service providers for early assistance of PSN.
  • Conduct focus group discussions with different ages and sex (mainly PSN) on specific topics based on identified needs, service gaps, and protection risks
  • Support Community Focal Point In needs assessments and immediate assistance to PSN approach
  • Provide regular weekly updates and monthly reports
  • Perform other duties assigned by the supervisor

Experience and technical competencies: (include years of experience)

  • 2 years of work experience in a related field
  • previous experience working with refugees – preferable
  • previous experience working in international organizations mandated for PSN protection– preferable

Education: (include certificates, licenses etc.)

  • Diploma or bachelor’s degree in Community Development, Social work, sociology, psychology, physiotherapy, development, law, or other related fields

Languages: (indicate fluency level)

  • English (spoken and written – very good)
  • Kiha (spoken – good) – preferable

Key stakeholders: (internal and external)

  • other DRC departments and managers in particular protection, camp management, GFD, supply chain
  • UNHCR, in particular, Protection UNIT
  • MoHA
  • other INGOs
  • refugee representatives
  • police

Overall purpose of the role: Integrated social worker is responsible for the implementation of activities under one or more of the following sectors: community-based rehabilitation, social protection of People with specific Needs, support to PSN committees, community engagement, distribution of NFIs, and PSN case management.

Employment category: national contract, Grade I

Reporting to: Integrated Protection Team Leader [PSN TL]

Technical line manager: Protection Coordinator

Unit/department: Protection

Location: Nduta/Nyarugusu

Responsibilities: (in bullet points)

  • Conducting needs assessments of PSN and making sure that the appropriate support is provided.
  • Train community structures PWDs and OPCs on identified needs and agreed modules.
  • Conduct home visits, outreach, and risk assessment, and make sure that protection solution is done for assigned zones and proper reporting of PSN protection at the camp level.
  • Ensure that PSN Safeguarding standards are considered in all activities
  • Facilitate various sensitization campaigns and awareness-raising sessions with PSN.
  • Participate in community engagement meetings such as Town hall meetings, and monthly community leaders with partners meetings, and ensure PSN rights are mainstreamed.
  • Conduct follow-up to PSN survivors of violence, abuse, and neglect and make sure that PSNs are living a well and dignified life.
  • Facilitate the identification and linking of PSN with dietary diversification needs to the Kitchen Gardening program.
  • Conducting feedback sharing meetings with the PSN committee on issues affecting PSN in their zones and following up on raised concerns with appropriate service providers for early assistance of PSN.
  • Conduct focus group discussions with different ages and sex (mainly PSN) on specific topics based on identified needs, service gaps, and protection risks
  • Support Community Focal Point In needs assessments and immediate assistance to PSN approach
  • Provide regular weekly updates and monthly reports
  • Perform other duties assigned by the supervisor

Experience and technical competencies: (include years of experience)

  • 2 years of work experience in a related field
  • previous experience working with refugees – preferable
  • previous experience working in international organizations mandated for PSN protection– preferable

Education: (include certificates, licenses etc.)

  • Diploma or bachelor’s degree in Community Development, Social work, sociology, psychology, physiotherapy, development, law, or other related fields

Languages: (indicate fluency level)

  • English (spoken and written – very good)
  • Kiha (spoken – good) – preferable

Key stakeholders: (internal and external)

  • other DRC departments and managers in particular protection, camp management, GFD, supply chain
  • UNHCR, in particular, Protection UNIT
  • MoHA
  • other INGOs
  • refugee representatives
  • police

Department: , Nairobi

Location: Kibondo

Application deadline: 23 Sep 2024

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