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Senior Consultant (Project Manager) | Emendo Consulting Group

emendo consulting group

Senior Consultant (Project Manager)
Do you have experience with project management, preferably within the pharmaceutical or manufacturing industry? Do you have the skills to lead large investment projects from (and through) early design phases to execution and qualification? And do you want to further develop your project management and leadership skills? Then YOU might be the one we are looking for!

As the demand for our services increase, we are looking for experienced Senior Project Managers for CAPEX projects.

You will lead projects as a project manager or be heading work packages or tracks, depending on the project's size. You will work with project management within a wide range of different projects and will – in many cases – be accompanied by one or more junior consultants/consultants that you will support and guide.


  • We envision our ideal candidate as someone with an engineering background or a relevant degree in life sciences, mechanics, chemistry, or production.
  • Having a keen interest in biotech or the pharmaceutical industry is highly desirable.
  • Have 5+ years of experience within project management and are comfortable with many project management tools and terminologies.
  • Are eager to develop and learn without fear of the unknown and manage to transform newly acquired knowledge into finding the best solution
  • Thrive in facilitating processes and driving progress across different layers of the customer organization
  • Have great communication skills in English and are comfortable giving presentations. If you master the Danish language as well, this is definitely a plus.
  • Thrive in a life, where tasks vary rapidly – there is no typical workday.
  • Possess a special superpower, hold a unique talent, or have an extraordinary hobby – and we are looking forward to hearing about it!

Our tasks are primarily solved at the site of our customers, and it is therefore expected that you are flexible regarding workplace geography within Sjælland/Denmark. If you become our new colleague, you will also influence the development of our company and be part of a great social environment, which every colleague contributes to.

Emendo Project Consulting is part of Emendo Consulting Group. We are approximately 180 colleagues in Denmark and the US, and we proudly create good stories by supporting our customers, which mainly belong to the pharmaceutical industry. Our core values are our employees – and we highly appreciate a social and collaborative environment. With several initiatives like running club, Emendo social club, Emendo days, travels and collegial get-togethers, we strive to be a place where our employees are having a good time – we believe that good people deliver good stories!

Send us a compelling application describing your profile (of course also your special superpower!) and your background (incl. CV, academic transcripts). We will continuously review applications and conduct interviews so please apply as soon as possible.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Jakob Schytte ([email protected] or +45 2345 4080).

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emendo consulting group

Sundkaj 153, 2., 2150 Nordhavn

Emendo is Latin and translates to "improve", which perfectly describes our work. Whether it's enhancing buildings, refining processes, optimizing the research and development of medicine, or building digital solutions, our fundamental goal remains unchanged: to support our clients in their journey of improvement.

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