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Student Assistant

Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR)

ID: 7888

Function: Marketing

Location: Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, Pudong, CN

Key responsibilities:

  • Proofread and localize on- and offline marketing content, in charge of new website launch and localization project.
  • Support distributor and system integrator partners with marketing & sales material.
  • Collaborate with different stakeholders, both internal (sales, partner development, technical, project management, product management at the market/regional and global level, and global headquarters marketing) and external (partners – distributors, system integrators and end-customers) to conduct market study and campaign execution.
  • Ad hoc marketing activities.

Professional requirement:

  • Major in Marketing,Japanese, or related education background.
  • Experience working in a multicutural international enviroment within technology sector and matrixed organization.
  • Lanaguge of Janpanese or Korean is a strong plus.

Job Segment: Product Manager, Project Manager, Intern, Marketing, Operations, Technology, Entry Level

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Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR)

Emil Neckelmanns Vej 15F, 5220 Odense SØ

Mobile Industrial Robots is a leading manufacturer of collaborative mobile robots. We are dedicated to developing user-friendly, flexible and safe robots to help companies increase the efficiency of their operations. Our autonomous robots are a new generation of advanced mobile robots which give you a rapid return on investment, often with a payback period of less than a year. These unique, collaborative robots are now used by manufacturers in a wide range of industries and healthcare sectors to automate their in-house transportation.

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