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Process/Boiler Engineer

DP CleanTech Global Engineering Services ApS

Primary Location: Herlev, Copenhagen, Denmark

Line Manager: Head of Global Engineering/Managing Director for DP Cleantech Denmark.

About DP:
Founded in 2004, DP CleanTech designs, engineers, manufactures, and commissions energy plants mainly utilizing various residual biomass fractions, and thus providing complete solutions for turning waste materials into clean energy. DP CleanTech has strategically positioned itself to be at both the leading edge of European technology development and value engineering, as well as to realize the benefits of a global supply chain. DP CleanTech has built over 100 biomass power plants around the world, using high pressure, high temperature technology originally developed in Denmark. Today DP CleanTech is recognized as a world leader in the biomass clean energy field with a strong presence in both Europe, Africa, and Asia.

DP CleanTech has had an established Global Engineering Services in Denmark since 2013 with the objectives of further driving project engineering integration globally and advancing our IP/know-how in new products, new designs and new fuels for deployment on our global platform.

Job Summary:
As part of our engineering team working with process and conceptual boiler design for our energy plants you will be integrated in the project teams, which consists of engineers located in our offices in Thailand, China, Poland, UK, and South Africa.

Technically the work relates to our boiler plants and the related equipment such as pumps, valves, fans, air preheaters, burners etc. The position involves a large variety of engineering tasks and involvement in projects from sales phase to hand-over of the plant to an operator. Examples are calculation of mass and energy balances, sizing and design of boiler and equipment, boiler strength and circulation calculations, preparation of technical specifications, prepare functional descriptions, technical handling of suppliers, engineering support for sales, construction, and commissioning. The work is done in collaboration with other process engineers as well as engineers from other disciplines and Project managers.

Our solutions are tailored to suit the individual client’s specific requirements such as the type of biomass and other waste streams, plant capacity etc. Working with process and conceptual boiler design you will take part in the development of such solutions and the general optimization of our processes and products.

The job offers extensive opportunities to develop your technical competences as well as your project execution/management side.

Qualifications and Skills
• Min. 3-5 years’ experience with process or boiler engineering for boiler plants.

• Willingness and ability to take on a technical leadership role in the project execution.

• Proficient in using MS office and willingness to learn/adapt to a wide range of engineering design tools.

• English language skills and motivation to work with colleagues across the globe.

• Education as Engineer.

• Ability to align with our core values: teamwork, excellence, innovation, and accountability.

Working in DP CleanTech
On a global scale we are around 100 employees and in our Danish office we are 4 employees and now in the process of growing. You will refer to the director in our Danish office (who is also the Global Head of Engineering) and your workplace will be in Herlev. In our small Danish office, we keep an open, informal, and friendly atmosphere, where we support each other. Everyday work is characterized by working closely with colleagues in our offices abroad in an equally friendly and informal environment. We use Teams extensively so the requirement for travelling can be adjusted to match your life situation.

If you are interested, then we welcome your CV along with a short cover letter send to our e-mail [email protected]. Please send it no later than October 15th 2023. We’ll be conducting interviews on a continuous basis and reserve the right to take down the advert when we have found the right candidate.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Kasper Lundtorp, Head of Global Engineering, on (+45) 30313803 , if you’d like to know more about the position.

Disclaimer (waiver of requirements under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679):
Any documents or information sent or otherwise disclosed by an applicant in relation to a job opportunity (Information) will be filed in DP’s database of potential employees. By sending or sharing any such Information, the applicant is deemed to authorise DP CleanTech Group and its subsidiaries to file and store the Information in our IT database for up to 12 months. Information will only be used for the purpose of recruitment.

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DP CleanTech Global Engineering Services ApS

Marielundvej 43A, 2730 Herlev

Founded in 2004, DP CleanTech (DP) designs, engineers, manufactures and commissions biomass and waste to energy power plants, providing complete solutions for turning waste materials into clean energy. With headquarters in Europe, and its single largest market in China, DP has strategically positioned itself to be at both the leading edge of European technology development and value engineering. Refer full details at:

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