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Internship / Project



Are you a talented and ambitious engineering student looking for an exiting and dynamic internship?

Why choose AGRAMKOW?
At AGRAMKOW we are always on the lookout for highly motivated students and graduates, who are eager to test their knowhow and theoretical experience in real life.

We offer an internship/ project that allows you to train and educate your skills in a realistic context, where you will lean from the best in the industry. We offer projects within i.e. test and verification, product development, prototype design, and many other exciting fields.

You are studying a bachelor / master’s degree.

You are recognized as a creative problem solver, and you are not afraid of taking responsibility and decisions. At the same time, you are a good listener, and you can communicate on all levels in an organization.

We offer:
We offer a professional and dynamic working environment, where your contributions make a real impact. You will face both for personal and professional growth within AGRAMKOW.

If you are the right candidate, you have the chance to be a part of an innovative and sustainable company.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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  • Region Syddanmark

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Sønderborg, DK

Johanne Hoffland

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Office address:
Augustenborg Landevej 19 DK-6400 Sønderborg

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Augustenborg Landevej 19, 6400 Sønderborg

AGRAMKOW A single source solution provider for manufacturers within cooling and air-conditioning all over the world

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