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Senior Analyst for Capital Risk & Scenarios

Danske Bank

Do you possess an analytical mindset? Do you approach tasks with a positive and collaborative attitude? If so, keep reading – you might be the ideal candidate for this Senior Analyst position!
Do you possess an analytical mindset? Do you approach tasks with a positive and collaborative attitude? If so, keep reading – you might be the ideal candidate for this Senior Analyst position!

Good risk and capital management are a foundation for Danske Banks ability to support customers through the business cycle and support long-term sustainable progress in society. Based on a solid understanding and analysis of the banks risk profile, set the boundaries for the business to operate within and engage in an active dialogue to support risk awareness. We use our understanding of risks and risk drivers to support best practice capital management and use capital as an aggregated measure of risks.

The team is part of Group Risk Management in the second line of defense. As a risk function, our role is to maintain a robust risk culture and serve as a relevant and competent challenger to the business. The team ensures that relevant scenarios are available for stress testing and plays an active role in the Group’s internal capital stress test. Additionally, the team is responsible for establishing appropriate risk tolerances to guide the steering of the Group’s overall risk profile.

We offer you the chance to build (or further develop) a robust understanding of capital risk management, including the regulatory framework, and gain practical experience at one of the leading banks in the Nordics.

Depending on your experience and knowledge, we may offer different seniority levels for this role.

You will:

  • Take an active role in dialogue across the organisation related to risk aggregation and stress testing
  • Evaluate and analyse capital and risk exposures
  • Contribute to our ongoing evaluation of known and emerging risks

About you:

  • Have experience in the financial sector, such as working in an IRB bank, with a regulator, or have otherwise gained an understanding of how a bank operates, including a basic knowledge of financial regulations
  • Work in a structured manner and maintain a good overview
  • Are curious and bring your own perspectives to the table
  • Possess a good degree of independence and enjoy taking on new tasks in a dynamic environment
  • Have advanced English language skills, both verbally and in writing. We are an international team and use English in our daily work

We offer:
This position can be in Lithuania and Denmark. If you are hired in Lithuania, the applicable salary range will be from 3440– 5160EUR monthly (based on your competencies relevant for the job).
See all the benefits HERE.
Want to join our team?
If you have any questions regarding the profile, please reach out to Maria Hove Pedersen, Head of Capital Risk & Scenarios.

We are going through applications on an ongoing basis, so do not hesitate – apply for the position right away.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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